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What is a sentence for dexterously?

What is a sentence for dexterously?

Meaning of dexterously in English Foreign Office officials dexterously negotiated an end to the crisis. The driver dexterously avoided potholes, puddles, and pedestrians. See how dexterously she handles the knife. He was praised by critics for his ability to move dexterously from one emotional state to another.

Is dexterously a word?

dex′ter·ous·ly adv. dex′ter·ous·ness n. These adjectives refer to skill and ease in performance. Dexterous implies physical or mental agility: dexterous fingers; a dexterous debater.

What does dexterously mean?

1 : mentally adroit and skillful : clever her dexterous handling of the crisis. 2 : done with mental or physical skill, quickness, or grace : done with dexterity : artful a dexterous maneuver. 3 : skillful and competent with the hands a dexterous surgeon.

How do you use the word dexterous?

Dexterous sentence example

  1. The dexterous Greeks humoured him to the top of his bent.
  2. Rats: Rats are mentally dexterous and clever.
  3. He was a ready and powerful debater, full of resource, and dexterous in controversy.
  4. By this dexterous stroke he gained a new and wealthy kingdom, and completely re-established his fortunes.

How do you use gauche in a sentence?

Gauche in a Sentence 🔉

  1. His gauche table manners make me cringe, especially when he tries to talk with his mouth full.
  2. Because everyone assumed that he is just a typical gauche adolescent, no one believed he could have produced such a sophisticated work of art.

How do you use facetious in a sentence?

Facetious Sentence Examples

  1. Tom thinks he’s being funny, but he’s only being facetious and rude.
  2. She was a facetious person, intending to be amusing.
  3. Sorry if that sounds facetious, but it is a valid point.
  4. Trying to talk to Jim about serious financial issues is difficult because of his facetious personality.

Is dexterously a adverb?

In a dexterous manner; skillfully; with precision.

How do you use dexterous in a simple sentence?

Dexterous in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Since I do not often use my left hand, I am not dexterous when I use it for writing.
  2. The chimpanzee is a dexterous animal that can maneuver objects as well as a human does.
  3. The old carpenter’s hands are no longer dexterous enough for him to build furniture.

What does gauche mean?

1a : lacking social experience or grace also : not tactful : crude it would be gauche to mention the subject. b : crudely made or done a gauche turn of phrase.

What is an example of gauche?

The definition of gauche is someone who is socially clumsy or tactless. An example of gauche is a guest at a fancy dinner party who arrives wearing jeans and flip flops. adjective. 5. Awkward or lacking in social graces; bumbling.

How do you use erudite in a sentence?

Erudite sentence example

  1. The erudite student graduated at the top of her class.
  2. You can tell that he’s erudite in the subject by his enthusiastic language.
  3. The erudite article was a great resource for learning about the difficult topic.
  4. They tend to opt for very erudite books which some of us find unreadable.