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What is a synonym for withholding information?

What is a synonym for withholding information?

be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information. synonyms: beat around the bush, equivocate, palter, prevaricate. type of: misinform, mislead. give false or misleading information to. verb.

What are two other names for allowances?

What is another word for allowance?

share portion
quota allotment
grant allocation
lot slice
amount measure

What is the meaning of With Held?

verb (used with object), with·held, with·hold·ing. to hold back; restrain or check. to refrain from giving or granting: to withhold payment. to collect (taxes) at the source of income. to deduct (withholding tax) from an employee’s salary or wages.

What is the synonym of with hold?

Some common synonyms of withhold are detain, keep, reserve, and retain.

What’s an antonym for withhold?

OPPOSITES FOR withhold 1, 2 advance.

Which word is similar to the allowance?


  • allotment,
  • cut,
  • end,
  • part,
  • piece,
  • portion,
  • proportion,
  • quota,

What are antonyms for allowance?

What is the opposite of allowance?

interdiction prohibition
proscription increase
refusal denial
veto disagreement
disapproval rejection

What is the antonym of withholding?

What is the opposite of withhold?

allow concede
confirm accredit
certify cause
accede to acquiesce in
approve of grant the right

What is the noun for withhold?

withholding uncountable noun [usually the NOUN of noun] The withholding of property from the market may cause prices to be higher than normal. More Synonyms of withhold. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.

What does it mean when tax is withheld?

A withholding tax takes a set amount of money out of an employee’s paycheck and pays it to the government. The money taken is a credit against the employee’s annual income tax. If too much money is withheld, an employee will receive a tax refund; if not enough is withheld, an employee will have an additional tax bill.

What is the other meaning of allowance?

1a : a sum granted as a reimbursement or bounty or for expenses a salary that includes a cost-of-living allowance especially : a sum regularly provided for personal or household expenses Each child receives a weekly allowance. b : a fixed or available amount provide an allowance of time for recreation.

What is another name for withholdings?

Some common synonyms of withhold are detain, keep, reserve, and retain. While all these words mean “to hold in one’s possession or under one’s control,” withhold implies restraint in letting go or a refusal to let go.

What is the opposite of withholding?

Antonyms for withholding include revelation, disclosure, publication, possession, advantage, benefit, bestowal, endowment, gain and giving. Find more opposite words

What is another word for allowances?

allowance, adjustment(noun) an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances. “an allowance for profit”. Synonyms: modification, accommodation, readjustment, leeway, allowance account, allowance, adaptation, alteration, adaption, valuation account, fitting, margin, adjustment, registration, tolerance, valuation reserve.