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What is adamantane used for?
Amantadine and rimantadine are antiviral drugs in a class of medications known as adamantanes that were once prescribed for influenza treatment or prophylaxis. These medications are active against influenza A viruses, but not influenza B viruses.
Why is it called adamantane?
The spatial arrangement of carbon atoms in the adamantane molecule is the same as in the diamond crystal. This similarity led to the name adamantane, which is derived from the Greek adamantinos (relating to steel or diamond). It is a white solid with a camphor-like odor. It is the simplest diamondoid.
Where is adamantane found?
oil wells
Adamantane is an unusual molecule that can actually be found in high abundance in some oil wells. It can also be made from the hydrogenated dimer of cyclopentadiene by a simple rearrangement process using heat and a catalyst.
Which drug is adamantane derivative?
The adamantane derivatives, amantadine hydrochloride and rimantadine hydrochloride, inhibit viral replication by blocking the proton channel formed by the M2 protein of influenza A viruses. The channel activity is necessary for viral particle uncoating during early and late stages of viral replication.
What is the point group of adamantane?
tetrahedral point
Adamantane is a small hydrocarbon molecule with pure sp3 hybridized carbon atoms arranged in a tetrahedral point group, often referred to as a diamondoid.
How many rings does adamantane have?
Adamantane (Fig. 1) is comprised of three chair cyclohexane rings. [Although you may see four, formation of three rings consumes all of the carbon atoms.
What is TD Point Group?
Td Point Group The Td symmetry group is a one of the point groups considered to have higher symmetry. Molecules in the Td group, such as methane (CH4) have four C3 rotational axes. The character table for the Td point group is shown below: Td. E.
What is the molar mass of c10h18o?
154.25 g/mol
Citronellal/Molar mass
The molecular formula C10H18O (molar mass : 154.25 g/mol) may refer to: Borneol. Citronellal. Eucalyptol.
What is c1 point group?
C1 Point Group The point group C1 is the point group with the lowest symmetry. Molecules that belong to this point group only have the identity as symmetry element. It has no symmetry element, but the identity. The name C1 comes from the symmetry element C1. A C1 operation is the same as the identity.
What is the order of the TD Point Group?
The order of the Td point group is 24, and the order of the principal axis (S4) is 4. The group has five irreducible representations. The Td point group is isomorphic to O. It is also isomorphic to the Symmetric Group Sym(4), the group of all permutations of order 4.
What is c10h160?
Camphor | C10H16O – PubChem.
What does c10 h14 o make?
Thymol is a phenol that is a natural monoterpene derivative of cymene. It is a member of phenols and a monoterpenoid.