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What is an empty space inside called?

What is an empty space inside called?

emptiness. noun. an empty space or state.

What is an example of empty space?

Matter itself is a very good example of empty space as almost all of the space within matter is empty. Matter is made up atoms but the atoms themselves are quite empty. The size of the nucleus is almost 10^5 times smaller than the entire atom. The rest is empty space.

What is another word for waste of space?

What is another word for waste of space?

nonstarter dud
debacle catastrophe
disaster bust
fizzle flop
clunker bomb

What is heart anagram?

A coronary angiogram is a procedure that uses X-ray imaging to see your heart’s blood vessels. The test is generally done to see if there’s a restriction in blood flow going to the heart. Coronary angiograms are part of a general group of procedures known as heart (cardiac) catheterizations.

What is another word for ” empty space “?

Synonyms for empty space include void, space, emptiness, vacuum, nothingness, hole, cavity, abyss, hollowness and gap. Find more similar words at!

What does it mean when a letter looks like a blank space?

What is an Invisible Character? The invisible characters or empty characters look like a blank space but contains a different Unicode character. They are normally used to represent a blank space without using the space key. The invisible letters are commonly used to send an empty message or setting a form value to blank.

Which is an invisible space between two letters?

is a invisible character Nick or simply an invisible free fire space and considered by many to be a invisible letter that generates an invisible space between two letters. According to the letters on the website, this symbol is just more than thousands of Unicode characters, the one represented by U + 3164 “ㅤ”. Blank Space Copy and Paste:

What do you call empty space in RuneScape?

Below you can copy this code Blank Space Copy and Paste: This invisible space or empty character, which can also be called invisible code, is widely used by players due to its invisibility functionality.