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What is an example of climax in literature?

What is an example of climax in literature?

The climax in a short story is the turning point where the protagonist confronts the main conflict, creating the most intense moment. For example, in “The Lottery,” the climax occurs when Tessie discovery that she had “won” the lottery and was to be stoned to death.

What is literary climax?

Climax, (Greek: “ladder”), in dramatic and nondramatic fiction, the point at which the highest level of interest and emotional response is achieved. In the structure of a play the climax, or crisis, is the decisive moment, or turning point, at which the rising action of the play is reversed to falling action.

What is an example of climax?

Often the climax is recognized as the most exciting part of a story. Examples of Climax: In Romeo and Juliet, the climax is often recognized as being the moment when Romeo kills Tybalt. At this point, Romeo is doomed and the play begins the downfall of the young protagonist.

What is an example of exposition in literature?

Examples of Exposition. Expositions are the place to show the reader a little bit of the location and what kind of time is involved in the story, along with some of the major characters. Tommy kicked angrily at the rocks in front of him as he walked to the little store up the road.

What is an example of literary climax?

Examples of Climax. Climax Example 1. In Tolstoy ’s novel, Anna Karenina, the climax is when Anna throws herself under the train, the literal end of a life that ended symbolically when she gave up her family and social connections to live with her lover, Vronsky.

How do you identify climax in a story?

When determining the climax of a narrative, the moment the action of the story takes a turn should be considered. The climax of a story is the culmination of events in the story, the moment something pivotal occurs which evokes nervousness or excitement. When a decisive event such as this happens in a story, that is most likely its climax.

The definition of climax is the most intense or highest point of something, or an orgasm. An example of a climax is during an action film when it seems the hero won’t arrive in time to save the day. An example of a climax is when a man ejaculates during sex. YourDictionary definition and usage example. “Climax.”.

What does climax mean in literary terms?

Climax as a Stylistic Device. As a stylistic device, the term climax refers to a literary device in which words, phrases, and clauses are arranged in an order to increase their importance within the sentence.