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What is an example of dual?

What is an example of dual?

The definition of dual is something that has to do with two or two parts. An example of something dual is an electric toothbrush that both rotates and moves from side-to-side while it brushes your teeth; dual movement. An example of something dual is a plan of attack that has two parts; dual plan of attack.

How do you use both in a sentence?

Both sentence example

  1. I liked them both very much.
  2. It was both relaxing and exciting.
  3. They both care a lot.
  4. If it had been for both of them, they would have invited some of her friends – like Katie and Bill.
  5. Both Sarah and Tammy were watching her.
  6. Both passed the examination successfully.

What does word dual mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 of grammatical number : denoting reference to two a dual pronoun. 2a : consisting of two parts or elements or having two like parts : double families with dual incomes held dual citizenship in France and the U.S. a dual function a dual exhaust system.

Does dual mean two?

Dual is two, or double, but a duel is a fight. If you’re getting sick of your fair-weather friend’s dual personality, perhaps you should throw down your glove and challenge him to a duel at high noon. Dual, which dates from the early 1600s, is borrowed from the Latin dualis, from duo, for two.

Can a sentence start with both?

Both are joining words that relate ideas to each other, but conjuncts, unlike conjunctions, can be moved to different parts of a sentence because they are not connecting grammatical parts. …

When can I use both?

As a pronoun, ‘both’ indicates that two items are being discussed and is therefore used in place of the phrase “the two.” The use of ‘both’ to discuss three or more entities is grammatically incorrect. Both samples were measured. (i.e., The two samples were measured.)

What is a dual moment?

Definition of never a dull moment : never a time when something exciting is not going on : always something exciting happening There’s never a dull moment in our house.

What’s after dual?

9 Answers. And quintuple, sextuple, septuple, octuple.

What is this word dual?

adjective. of, relating to, or noting two. composed or consisting of two people, items, parts, etc., together; twofold; double: dual ownership;dual controls on a plane. having a twofold, or double, character or nature.

What is a dual and duel?

dual/ duel Dual is two, or double, but a duel is a fight. If you’re getting sick of your fair-weather friend’s dual personality, perhaps you should throw down your glove and challenge him to a duel at high noon. Dual, which dates from the early 1600s, is borrowed from the Latin dualis, from duo, for two.

How do you use both and both?

The difference between ‘both’ and ‘both of’ is that ‘both’ is used between two different things joined by ‘and’: Both my tea and my coffee were sugared. I like both tea and coffee. ‘Both of’ is used for two of the same kind of thing.

Where do we use both?

When we use both as part of a subject or object which is a pronoun, it may be followed by of + an object pronoun:

  1. We both dislike soap operas. ( subject pronoun + both) or Both of us dislike soap operas. (
  2. She looked at both of us.
  3. He shouted at both of them.
  4. That’ll be so nice for both of you.