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What is another name for decompose?

What is another name for decompose?

Some common synonyms of decompose are decay, putrefy, rot, and spoil.

What is another word for decomposers in science?

Decomposers or saprotrophs are organisms that break down dead or decaying organisms, and in doing so carry out the natural process of decomposition.

What is similar to decomposition?


  • breakdown,
  • corruption,
  • decay,
  • festering,
  • putrefaction,
  • putrescence,
  • rot,
  • spoilage.

What is another name for decomposition reaction?

analysis reactions
Decomposition reactions are also known as analysis reactions or chemical breakdowns. The opposite of this type of reaction is a synthesis, in which simpler reactants combine to form a more complex product.

What is the nearest meaning of degrade?

to lower in character or quality; debase. to reduce (someone) to a lower rank, degree, etc.; deprive of office, rank, status, or title, especially as a punishment: degraded from director to assistant director. to reduce in amount, strength, intensity, etc.

What are antonyms for decomposition?

decompose. Antonyms: compound, concoct, mix, organize, compose. Synonyms: analyze, segregate, individualize, resolve, dissolve.

What is the other name of displacement reaction?

replacement reaction
Displacement Reaction Definition It is also called a replacement reaction. As replacement of one ion of reactant takes place by another ion of reactant.

What is the other name of double displacement reaction?

double replacement reaction
A double displacement reaction is also called a double replacement reaction, salt metathesis reaction, or double decomposition.

What are some degrading names?


  • stupid. noun. offensive an insulting name for someone who you think is being stupid.
  • jerk. noun. offensive someone who does stupid, annoying, or unkind things.
  • dunce. noun.
  • dipstick. noun.
  • dork. noun.
  • bonehead. noun.
  • dingbat. noun.
  • jackass. noun.

What is being a Degradee?

The word can also mean to disrespect or insult: thoughtless comments can degrade a person. Degrade is often used to mean to insult someone because of their gender or race. Degrade also means to break down.

Are there any synonyms for the word decomposer?

Synonyms for decomposer include bacteria, fungus, microorganism, acid, corruptor, dissolvent and invertebrate. Find more similar words at!

How are decomposers get rid of decaying organic material?

Decomposers eat decaying organic material. If an animal dies, it is eaten by decomposers. If a tree loses a leaf, they eat that as well. They get rid of anything that is no longer alive by breaking it down into simple nutrients and returning it to the soil.

What kind of compounds are released during decomposition?

These processes release compounds such as cadaverine and putrescine, that are the chief source of the unmistakably putrid odor of decaying animal tissue. Prime decomposers are bacteria or fungi, though larger scavengers also play an important role in decomposition if the body is accessible to insects, mites and other animals.

What kind of food does a decomposer eat?

Decomposers feed on dead things: dead plant materials such as leaf litter and wood, animal carcasses, and feces. They perform a valuable service as Earth’s cleanup crew.