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What is another word for expected?

What is another word for expected?


  • anticipated,
  • awaited,
  • due,
  • scheduled,
  • slated.

What words can you make from expect?

Words that can be made with expect

  • cepe.
  • cete.
  • exec.

What are five words that start with A?

5-letter words starting with A

abash abask
abate abaya
Abaza abbas
abbat Abbay

Are expected to synonym?

What is another word for to be expected?

unsurprising foreseeable
predicted anticipated
awaited expected
forecast foreseen
likely logical

What is the synonym of expectation?

supposition, assumption, belief, presupposition, presumption, conjecture, surmise, reckoning, calculation, prediction, forecast, projection. assurance, confidence, trust. 2’his body grew tense with expectation’ anticipation, expectancy, eagerness, hope, hopefulness. excitement, suspense.

What is the opposite of expect?

What is the opposite of expect?

ignore dismiss
neglect abandon
disregard reject
evade forsake
avoid brush off

What letter start with the letter A?

Letter A Word Bank:

  • alligator.
  • ant.
  • apple.
  • astronaut.
  • aunt.

What’s another way of saying as a result?

“These landscapes were once covered by glaciers, and as a result, shallow depressions were formed in great numbers.”…What is another word for as a result?

consequently as a consequence
ergo in consequence
subsequently that being the case
thence thereby
accordingly for that reason

What is the definition for the word expectation?

1 : the act or state of expecting : anticipation in expectation of what would happen. 2a : something expected not up to expectations expectations for an economic recovery. b : basis for expecting : assurance they have every expectation of success. c : prospects of inheritance —usually used in plural.

What is the synonym and antonym of expectation?

Antonyms: astonishment, consummation, despair, doubt, doubt, dread, enjoyment, fear, realization, surprise, wonder. Synonyms: antepast, anticipation, apprehension, expectancy, foreboding, forecast, foresight, foretaste, forethought, hope, presentiment, prevision.

What is the synonym of expect?

Synonyms for expect. anticipate, await, hope (for), watch (for)