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What is another word for very pleased?

What is another word for very pleased?

What is another word for very pleased?

delighted happy
enchanted joyous
thrilled elated
euphoric overjoyed
captivated enraptured

What do you call someone who is pleasing?

: someone or something that pleases or wants to please people a breed of dog that’s a people pleaser This sophisticated, nutritious salad is a real people-pleaser, and it’s quite filling too.—

How do you describe being pleased?

1 joyous, joyful, blithe, cheerful, merry, contented, blissful, satisfied.

What’s another word for feeling satisfied?

What is another word for satisfied?

pleased content
contented happy
gratified chuffed
delighted fulfilled
thankful glad

What is a synonym for pleased and liked?


  • cottoned (to),
  • delighted (in),
  • dug,
  • enjoyed,
  • fancied,
  • grooved (on),
  • relished,
  • Why do people become people pleasers?

    According to Myers, people-pleasing behaviors sometimes arise as a response to fear associated with trauma. If you’ve experienced trauma, such as child or partner abuse, at one time you may not have felt safe maintaining certain boundaries.

    What’s an antonym for pleasing?

    What is the opposite of pleasing?

    unpleasant unpalatable
    disagreeable distasteful
    horrible offensive
    unpleasing repulsive
    disgusting repellent

    What is the synonym of extremely pleased and excited about?

    Synonyms of ‘overjoyed’ They’re pleased to be going home. I was so thrilled to get a good report from him. He was ecstatic about the birth of his first child. I was jubilant after making an impressive comeback.

    What is the synonym of insincere praise?

    Talk or praise used to charm, flatter, or persuade. sweet talk. flattery. flannel. blarney.

    What is the meaning of the word pleased?

    1 experiencing pleasure, satisfaction, or delight she looked pleased with the gift

    What does it mean to be pleased with someone’s misfortune?

    This conflict indicates the presence of a comparative, and sometimes even a competitive, concern. A major reason for being pleased with the misfortune of another person is that this person’s misfortune may somehow benefit us; it may, for example, emphasize our superiority.

    What does it mean to be a people pleaser?

    Our friends at Merriam-Webster define people pleaser as “a person who has an emotional need to please others often at the expense of his or her own needs or desires.” The underlying urge to make others happy and to be positively regarded is quite natural.

    Which is the best definition of the word pleasure?

    The term is primarily used in association with sensory pleasures like the enjoyment of food or sex. But in its most general sense, it includes all types of positive or pleasant experiences including the enjoyment of sports, seeing a beautiful sunset or engaging in an intellectually satisfying activity.