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What is argue as a noun?

What is argue as a noun?

argue is a verb, argument is a noun, argumentative is an adjective:I argued with her about the money. to present reasons for or against a thing:He argued in favor of capital punishment. to contend in oral disagreement; dispute:The Senator argued with the President about the new tax bill.

What is this word argue?

Full Definition of argue intransitive verb. 1 : to give reasons for or against something : reason argue for a new policy. 2 : to contend or disagree in words : dispute They’re always arguing about money. transitive verb. 1 : to give evidence of : indicate The facts argue his innocence.

What kind of noun is argument?

noun. noun. /ˈɑrɡyəmənt/ 1[countable, uncountable] a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily to win/lose an argument After some heated argument, they finally made a decision. argument (with somebody) (about/over something) We had an argument with the waiter about the check.

Is argue transitive?

3[transitive] argue something (formal) to show clearly that something exists or is true These latest developments argue a change in government policy.

What is the abstract noun of argue?

“Argument” is the abstract noun form for the verb to argue.

What is the adverb of argue?

Word family (noun) argument (adjective) arguable argumentative (verb) argue (adverb) arguably. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishar‧gue /ˈɑːɡjuː $ ˈɑːr-/ ●●● S2 W1 verb 1 [intransitive] to disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way We could hear the neighbours arguing.

Is argument an abstract noun?

Is argue a positive connotation?

When you use the verb “argue”, one can always recognize the intended meaning from the preposition or conjunction used: “argue for/that” is always positive, “argue with/over/against/about” is always negative. However, we do not have this luxury when using the adjectival form arguable.

Is fighting a verb or noun?

The verb fight means to engage in a struggle that involves conflict — and as a noun, fight is the conflict itself. A fight can take a physical form, like a boxing match or a playground skirmish, or it can happen with words, like a fight over politics.

Is argument an abstract or concrete noun?

Concrete nouns refer to things you can actually experience directly through your senses – e.g. a brick, a window, a smell, a song, or a taste. Abstract nouns are the things that only exist in the mind, such as religion, an idea, and an argument.

What is abstract perfect noun?

The abstract noun for perfect is perfection. Example – he recited the Bhagavadgeeta to perfection. It is easy to be good, but far more difficult to achieve perfection. The word ‘ perfect’ can be used as a noun, adjective or a verb depending on the sentence.

Which is the best definition of the word argue?

What is the noun for argue? argue. argument. A fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason. A verbal dispute; a quarrel.

When to use a proper noun or common noun?

A proper noun is used for a specific person, place, or thing. A common noun is used for a class of person, place, or thing.

Can a proper noun be written with a capital letter?

A proper noun is written with a capital letter because it is a name or a title. Do not give a word a capital letter just because it’s an important word in your sentence. As a valued Client, you have been selected for a special Gift. (The words client and gift are common nouns and should not have capital letters.)

Which is a proper noun book or Gatsby?

Book is a common noun, while The Great Gatsby is a proper noun. The difference is that nouns like city, book, and dog could be referring to multiple different things, places, or animals. Saying “book” is perfectly fine in a sentence, but you will want to specify further if you plan on talking about that book in depth.