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What is connected architecture disconnected architecture?

What is connected architecture disconnected architecture?

In C#, we work in two different ways with database connectivity. Either it can be connected architecture where you go and connect to the database and get data or disconnected architecture where you connect to the database first time and get all data in an object and use it if required.

What is Connection Oriented architecture?

Connection Oriented architecture is achieved by the use of Connection, Command and DataReader object. The Command object works with the Connection object and used to execute SQL queries or Stored Procedures against the data source. You can perform insert, update, delete, and select operations with this object.

What is the difference between connected and disconnected architecture?

In connected architecture, the connection must be opened to access the data retrieved from the database. It was built on the classes connection, command, datareader and transaction. In disconnected architecture, the data retrieved from database can be accessed even when connection to the database was closed.

Which is better connected or disconnected architecture in Ado net?

connected data needs connection to be created to access hence slower while disconnected is in memory data that’s faster access. to access connected data you use ADO.NET whereas for disconnected you do not use. disconnected-data can be accessed from multiple tables in a dataset.

What is the difference between connected and disconnected environments?

A connected environment requires a constant connection to transfer data between the client application and the data source. However, a disconnected environment retrieves data and performs modification without a constant connection to the network.

What is DataReader and DataAdapter?

DataAdapter is an intermediate layer/ middleware which acts a bridge between the DataSet and a Database whereas DataReader provides forward-only, read-only access to data using a server-side cursor (simply put it is ued to read the data).

Which is a connected architecture database you need to connect with database?

DataAdapter in Disconnected architecture DataAdapter is required for connectivity with the database. DataAdapter established a connection with the database and fetches the data from the database and fill it into the Dataset.

Which is better connected or disconnected architecture?

Which is faster DataReader or DataAdapter?

Using a DataReader produces faster results than using a DataAdapter to return the same data. Because the DataAdapter actually uses a DataReader to retrieve data, this should not surprise us.

What is the advantage of using connected architecture?

the biggest advantage is the security because when the connection is always opened anyone can access to the database because it’s always opened.

What is the connection object in Ado net?

The Connection object is the first component of ADO.NET that you should be looking at. A connection sets a link between a data source and ADO.NET. A Connection object sits between a data source and a DataAdapter (via Command). You need to define a data provider and a data source when you create a connection.

Which is better DataReader or DataAdapter?

Using a DataReader produces faster results than using a DataAdapter to return the same data. Because the DataAdapter actually uses a DataReader to retrieve data, this should not surprise us. But there are many other reasons as well. DataReaders provide multiple asynchronous methods that can be employed.

Which is the connection architecture in ADO.NET?

In connected architecture, the connection must be opened to access the data retrieved from the database. It was built on the classes connection, command, datareader and transaction. Disconnected Architecture in ADO.NET In disconnected architecture, the data retrieved from database can be accessed even when connection to the database was closed.

What is the purpose of the connected architecture?

Connected architecture was built on the classes connection, command, datareader and transaction. Connection : in connected architecture also the purpose of connection is to just establish a connection to database and it self will not transfer any data.

How does the DataAdapter work in ADO.NET?

The DataAdapter uses Command objects to execute SQL commands at the data source to both load the DataSet with data and reconcile changes that were made to the data in the DataSet back to the data source. For more information, see .NET Framework Data Providers and Retrieving and Modifying Data in ADO.NET.

What are the components of ADO.NET 3.0?

ADO.NET Components. The two main components of ADO.NET 3.0 for accessing and manipulating data are the .NET Framework data providers and the DataSet.