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What is Dunkelbraun?

What is Dunkelbraun?

dark- brown tanned, tawny bay.

What does Braun mean?

color brown
Braun is a common surname, originating from the German word for the color brown. Many German emigrants to the United States also changed their name to Brown (see Brown (surname)). In German, Braun is pronounced [bʁaʊn], except for the “r” equal to the English word “brown”.

What does brain over brawn mean?

brains versus brawn Mental acuity or intelligence in contrast to great power or physical strength.

What does you got the Braun mean?

BRAWN means muscles. A lot of times, you’ll hear people use this in the expression “You’ve got the brawn, I’ve got the brains (=you’re strong and I’m smart), let’s go into business together.” See a translation. 2 likes.

What is more important brain or brawn?

Science has finally determined an answer to the age-old question of brains versus brawn. The team found that when both were pitted against each other, it was brains that came out on top.

What does having Brawn mean?

muscular strength
Brawn means muscular strength. Brawn is thought of as the opposite of brains, but let’s face it — people can be strong and smart! No matter how smart you are, though, you must have big muscles to have brawn. In American English, brawn refers to strength and heft.

What is a brawn man?

Brawn means muscular strength. Brawn is thought of as the opposite of brains, but let’s face it — people can be strong and smart! No matter how smart you are, though, you must have big muscles to have brawn. You may also have heard the adjective brawny, meaning strong and muscular.

What age did Einstein start talking?

Einstein, a certified genius, was also a late talker (according to some biographers). He didn’t speak full sentences until he was 5 years old. Einstein’s speech delay clearly wasn’t an impediment to his intellectual prowess and awe-inspiring accomplishments.

What does having brawn mean?