Table of Contents
What is general monograph used for?
Monographs articulate the quality expectations for a medicine including for its identity, strength, purity, and performance. They also describe the tests to validate that a medicine and its ingredients meet these criteria.
What does a monograph contains?
A publication that specifies for a drug (or class of related drugs) the kinds and amounts of ingredients it may contain, the conditions and limitations for which it may be offered, directions for use, warnings, and other information that its labeling must contain.
What is the prescription monograph?
A drug monograph is a predetermined checklist covering active ingredients, doses, formulations and product labeling that the agency considers generally safe and effective for self use.
What is difference between Pharmacopoeia and monograph?
In a broader sense, pharmacopoeia is a reference work for pharmaceutical drug specifications. Descriptions of preparations are called monographs. A monograph is a paper on a single topic. The pharmacopoeia contains specific monographs governing the quality of specific herbal products.
How do I search for a monograph?
To find monographs on a topic, use the online catalog, ADVOCAT, just as you would use it to find a treatise. Since the monographs generally have a narrower focus than do the treatises, you can be a little more specific in your keyword searches when searching for monographs.
What is a scholarly monograph?
Scholarly monographs are single-volume works (books) providing in-depth research into a specialized area of knowledge.
What is a mono graph?
mon·o·graph. (mŏn′ə-grăf′) n. A scholarly piece of writing of essay or book length on a specific, often limited subject. tr.v. mon·o·graphed, mon·o·graph·ing, mon·o·graphs. To write a monograph on. mo·nog′ra·pher (mə-nŏg′rə-fər) n.
What is the noun for monograph?
noun. 1. a treatise on a particular subject, as a biographical study or study of the works of one artist. 2. a highly detailed and thoroughly documented study or paper written about a limited area of a subject or field of inquiry: scholarly monograph s on medieval pigments.