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What is it called when something takes a long time?

What is it called when something takes a long time?

To take more time to do something than is considered acceptable. take one’s time. dawdle. dally. linger.

How do you describe a long time?

Long-time Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for long-time?

many years ages
donkey’s years long time
very long time years
years on end yonks
forever eternity

Is Long time no see an idiom?

“Long time no see” or “Long time, no see” is an English expression used as a greeting by people who have not seen each other for a while. Its origins in American English appear to be an imitation of broken or pidgin English, and despite its ungrammaticality, it is widely accepted as a fixed expression.

What is another word for a long time ago?

What is another word for long time ago?

long ago ages ago
many years ago many years back
some time ago in the old days
years ago yonks ago
long since before the rinderpest

How do you say something is taking longer?

Existing or continuing for a long time – thesaurus

  1. long. adjective. lasting for a large amount of time.
  2. long-term. adjective.
  3. lasting. adjective.
  4. extended. adjective.
  5. prolonged. adjective.
  6. enduring. adjective.
  7. never-ending. adjective.
  8. for some time. phrase.

How do you say a long time professionally?


  1. long. adjective. lasting for a large amount of time.
  2. long-term. adjective. continuing to exist, be relevant, or have an effect for a long time in the future.
  3. lasting. adjective.
  4. extended. adjective.
  5. prolonged. adjective.
  6. enduring. adjective.
  7. never-ending. adjective.
  8. for some time. phrase.

What word means lasting indefinitely?

lasting forever; eternal: everlasting future life. lasting or continuing for an indefinitely long time: the everlasting hills. incessant; constantly recurring: He is plagued by everlasting attacks of influenza. wearisome; tedious: She tired of his everlasting puns.

What is another word for so long?

What is another word for so long?

too long forever
perpetually constantly
continually ever
everlastingly infinitely
invariably lastingly

Is long time one word?

So you certainly can attach “long” to “time” this way if you want to. But doing so instantly pegs you as someone who doesn’t know that, unlike “long-term,” the adjective “longtime” is a closed form recognized by dictionaries as a single word. long time = noun phrase: I haven’t see you in a long time.

What can I use instead of for a long time?

Existing or continuing for a long time – thesaurus

  • long. adjective. lasting for a large amount of time.
  • long-term. adjective.
  • lasting. adjective.
  • extended. adjective.
  • prolonged. adjective.
  • enduring. adjective.
  • never-ending. adjective.
  • for some time. phrase.