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What is nature and scope of curriculum?

What is nature and scope of curriculum?

Curriculum is highly academic and is concerned with broad historical, philosophical, psychological and social issues. From a traditional view, curriculum is mostly written documents such as syllabus, course of study, books and references where knowledge is found but is used as a means to accomplish intended goals.

What is scope and sequence curriculum?

A scope and sequence is a list of the concepts, topics, and material that is covered in a book, course, or the lesson plans of a particular curriculum. A scope refers to the topics and areas of development within a curriculum, and the sequence is the order in which those skills are taught.

What are the scopes of education?

1) Scope means range of outlook, view, application, operation and effectiveness. Scope encompasses breadth, comprehension, and variety of learning experiences that can be provided in the education process. 2) Education begins in the womb and ends in the tomb.

What is scope and sequence examples?

So, for instance, the scope and sequence for a course about geology would be a list of all of the geology concepts covered in the course. The scope and sequence for a curriculum in high school writing would list all of the concepts taught in the writing course.

What are the determinants of curriculum development?

The external determinants of the curriculum are; government policy, societal considerations, financial priorities and constraints, Philosophy education and Examination bodies. Internal determinants of the curriculum are, learners, teachers, cross-cultural factors, existing curriculum and institutional context.

What is scope & sequence?

A scope and sequence is a summary of what is to be taught, the sequence in which it will be taught and the syllabus outcomes that may be addressed in the intended learning. They provide a brief overview of the key concepts and ideas addressed in a learning and teaching program for an individual stage or year.

What does Scope stand for in school?


Acronym Definition
SCOPE School of Continuing and Professional Education (various locations)
SCOPE Scientific Committee On Problems of the Environment
SCOPE Structuring Content for Online Publishing Environments
SCOPE Scalable Object Processing Environment

What is scope physical education?

There are various career options in sports academy, health clubs, sports goods manufacturing companies, and in the areas of marketing. Also, there are opportunities as a commentator, sports journalist, sports trainer, school/college teacher (physical training), and many more.

What does the scope mean in a curriculum?

The scope refers to the areas of development addressed by the curriculum. The sequence includes plans and materials for learning experiences to support and extend children’s learning at various levels of development.

What does scope mean in Head Start curriculum?

The scope refers to the areas of development addressed by the curriculum. Scope includes both the breadth (the curriculum addresses development across all of the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF) domains) and depth (curriculum content addresses specific developmental goals within each sub-domain).

What do you mean by scope and sequence?

The scope refers to the areas of development addressed by the curriculum. The sequence includes plans and materials for learning experiences to support and extend children’s learning at various levels of development. Education staff can use this resource to select and implement curriculum that includes an organized scope and sequence.

What happens in the development of a curriculum?

Once the curriculum developers decide what is to be taught, who is to be taught, and who is in control of what the content of the curriculum is, the process can proceed to the planning and development stage. This is followed by the implementation of the curriculum and its evaluation.