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What is process of infiltration?

What is process of infiltration?

Infiltration is the process of water entry into the soil through the earth’s surface. The movement of water into the soil is caused by gravitation and is affected by forces of soil particles on the water. As these forces depend mostly on the soil water content, intiltration is a non-linear time-dependent process.

What is infiltration and runoff?

Infiltration occurs when surface water enters the soil. The sponge soaks up the water until it can hold no more. At this point, the soil becomes saturated, but the excess water has to go somewhere. When this happens, we get overflow in the form of runoff, which is when surface water flows over land.

Where does infiltration occur?

Infiltration occurs when surface water enters the soil. This process is similar to pouring water onto a sponge. The sponge soaks up the water until it can hold no more. At this point, the soil becomes saturated, but the excess water has to go somewhere.

What is Stemflow in geography?

Stemflow. the flow of intercepted water down the trunk or stem of a plant. Runoff/overland flow. the draining away of water from the surface of an area of land.

What is the difference between Infiltration and runoff?

Infiltration is water that enters the soil from the surface of the earth, whereas runoff is water that runs on top of the Earth’s surface.

What is the different between Infiltration and percolation?

The key difference between infiltration and percolation is that the infiltration refers to the filtration of rainwater from the surface of the ground while percolation refers to the filtration of infiltered water through soil particles and porous materials such as fractured rocks etc.

What does infiltration occur to?

Infiltration usually occurs in the upper surface of the ground, but may also proceed downwards to the water table. The rate at which water is absorbed depends on the soil type, pre-saturation levels, land topography and the amount of vegetation in an area.

What does infiltration mean in the water cycle?

Infiltration is a part of the water cycle. Once infiltrated, it becomes groundwater. Depending on how saturated the ground is, the water can continue downwards to replenish water tables and aquifers. This is called percolation .