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What is the accented syllable in the word cephalic?

What is the accented syllable in the word cephalic?

Part of the cell where formation of proteins occurs. Endoplasmic reticulum. Accented Syllable Cephalic. phal. Internal Organs.

Which syllable is accented in the word?

A syllable that is stressed in pronunciation is called an accented syllable. The accent often changes the meaning of words which otherwise would be pronounced or even spelled alike. The word object when accented on the first syllable is a noun; when accented on the second syllable it is a verb.

What does Trache O mean in medical terms?

, trache- Combining forms meaning the trachea.

Do you feel the accent in the first syllable?

You should have felt the accent in the first syllable of both words: pen’ cil, but’ ton. When these strategies aren’t enough, have the student look up the word in the dictionary to find the accented syllable and give the proper pronunciation.

What is the difference between accented and unaccented syllables?

An accented syllable will fully pronounce the vowel sound, while unaccented syllables have less emphasized vowels and possibly even the schwa sound. Schwa /ə/ is the sound an unaccented vowel can make that sounds like short u or “uh”.

When do you address accented syllables in phonics?

Identifying accented syllables is a finer point of language, so it should be addressed only after students have mastered phonics. In fact, Phonics First only addresses stressed and unstressed syllables when discussing the schwa syllable type.

Where do you place accents in a word?

1 Accents are usually placed on the root of a word, not the prefix or suffix. 2 Accents are usually placed on the first syllable if the root is 2 syllables or the word is made of 2 roots. 3 Accents are usually placed on one of the first 2 syllables in a 3 syllable word. Listen for the accent in these longer words: ac’ ci dent, de ter’