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What is the best definition of adaptation?

What is the best definition of adaptation?

The definition of an adaptation is a change or adjustment to improve something, or to make it suitable to a different situation.

Is adaptation the same as evolution?

Evolution is not the same as adaptation or natural selection. Natural selection is a mechanism, or cause, of evolution. Adaptations are physical or behavioral traits that make an organism better suited to its environment.

What is adaptation short answer?

Adaptation is the evolutionary process where an organism becomes better suited to its habitat. This process takes place over many generations. It is one of the basic phenomena of biology. When people speak about adaptation, they often mean a ‘feature’ (a trait) which helps an animal or plant survive.

What is adaptation very short answer?

Adaptation is an evolutionary process where a plant or an animal becomes suited to living in a particular habitat. These are changes that take place over many generations through natural selection. Changes may be physical or behavioural.

What is an adaptation in literature?

A literary adaptation is a composition rewritten into a new form. 1 For example, Apocalypse Now, while it can stand alone as an important creative work, is also a retelling, a refashioning, of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. Francis Ford Coppola’s film, in reworking something familiar, accomplishes something new.

Why is adaptation important to evolution?

In evolutionary theory, adaptation is the biological mechanism by which organisms adjust to new environments or to changes in their current environment. This enables better survival and reproduction compared with other members of the species, leading to evolution.

What is the difference between adaptation and mutation?

Answer Wiki. In general terms, adaptation is live in order to accomodate change in the environment, while mutation is any change to the genetics of a living thing other than sexual recombination.

What is an example of evolutionary adaptation?

One of the textbook examples of evolutionary adaptation is the long-necked giraffe. The evolution of the giraffe’s long neck occurred so that the animal could reach leaves in taller trees. But the story of giraffe’s long necks is even more complex than that.

Why is evolutionary adaptation important?

Evolutionary adaptation, or simply adaptation, is the adjustment of organisms to their environment in order to improve their chances at survival in that environment .

What is the definition of evolutionary adaptation?

Evolutionary adaptation, or simply adaptation, is the adjustment of organisms to their environment in order to improve their chances at survival in that environment.