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What is the best type of graph to track the change in sales for your store from month to month?

What is the best type of graph to track the change in sales for your store from month to month?

. . . a Line graph. Line graphs are used to track changes over short and long periods of time. When smaller changes exist, line graphs are better to use than bar graphs. Line graphs can also be used to compare changes over the same period of time for more than one group.

What type of graph should be used to communicate the data?

Line Graphs One of the graphs you will likely use most often is a line graph. Line graphs simply use a line to connect the data points that you plot. They are most useful for showing trends and for identifying whether two variables relate to (or “correlate with”) one another.

What type of graph is best for temperature?

Line graph Line graphs illustrate how related data changes over a specific period of time. One axis might display a value, while the other axis shows the timeline. Line graphs are useful for illustrating trends such as temperature changes during certain dates.

Which type of graph would best to represent a budget?

Because circle graphs relate individual parts and a whole, they are often used for budgets and other financial purposes.

What type of graph would you use to show grade point average?

As noted in the text, a stem-and-leaf plot is another type of histogram. This would be another appropriate way to display the GPA data.

What graph is best for frequency?

Box plots show distribution based on a statistical summary, while column histograms are great for finding the frequency of an occurrence. Scatter plots are best for showing distribution in large data sets.

Which of the following is the most important value of a graph?

Science Quiz 2

Question Answer
True or false Pie charts are sometimes called pie graphs. True
Which of the following is the most important value of a graph? to quickly show relationships
A graph shows what in picture form. variables facts statistics data
Each axis on a graph should be: Labeled