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What is the default drawing mode in Flash?

What is the default drawing mode in Flash?

Merge Drawing mode
Select a drawing tool from the Tools panel and draw on the Stage Note: By default, Flash Professional uses the Merge Drawing mode. Creates shapes referred to as drawing objects.

How do you stop an animation in Flash?

  1. Click the plus sign at the top of the Actions panel and choose flash. display→MovieClip→Methods→Stop.
  2. Specify in the Object text box the name of the object you want to control.
  3. Choose Control→Test Movie to preview your movie.

When you draw an object flash creates what?

Creating Graphics in Adobe Flash CS4 To draw shapes using Object Drawing, you use the Object Drawing button on the Tools panel. When you select a shape created using Object Drawing, Flash selects the shape with a rectangular bounding box, which you can use with the Pointer tool to move the shape on the Stage.

What is drawing tool in Flash?

When you are comfortable enough to start drawing in Flash, you have two weapons of choice: the pencil and the paintbrush. The Pencil tool always provides a much tighter style than the Paintbrush tool. The Paintbrush tool combined with the pressure sensitivity option allows for a loose style.

What is merge drawing mode?

Merge Drawing mode When you draw shapes that overlap each other in the same layer, the top-most shape cuts away the part of the shape underneath it that it overlaps. In this way, drawing shapes is a destructive drawing mode. Shapes created with the Merge Drawing mode merge together when they overlap.

How the drawing objects can be reshaped and recolor?

You can reshape objects with the Selection tool (the black arrow), by placing the cursor next to the unselected object, and watching for a “J” shaped icon to appear beside the cursor (indicating you are reshaping a curve), or a backwards “L” (indicating you are moving a corner point).

What drawing mode and what drawing mode are the drawing modes in Flash?

There are two drawing modes in Flash: Object Drawing and Normal.

Which tool is used to close the drawing?

Explanation: the pencil tool is used to draw a close figure ……

What is object drawing model?

Object Drawing mode Creates shapes referred to as drawing objects. The stroke and fill of a shape are not separate elements, and shapes that overlap do not alter one another. When you select a shape created using Object Drawing mode, Animate surrounds the shape with a rectangular bounding box to identify it.

How to make an object draw in Flash?

Directly beneath the Oval tool, select the Polystar tool ( ). 2 Locate the Object Drawing button () at the bottom of the Tools panel, and click to select it. The button should be pressed in at this point, indicating that Object Drawing mode is enabled.

How to find hidden tools in Flash CS3?

Also see the figure “Items of the Flash CS3 tools panel” above in order to identify the corresponding icons in the tools panel. Some tools are stacked on top of each other. Hold down the mouse button for while to see the hidden ones.

How do you snap to objects in Flash?

Snap to Objects can be enabled using View > Snapping > Snap to Objects, or by using the Snap to Objects button ( ) at the bottom of the Tools panel. Most illustration programs have a line tool, and while it’s not the most creative tool in the box, you can use Flash’s Selection tool to make it more useful.

What are the two drawing models in Flash?

Flash has two drawing models: The object drawing model draws shapes as separate objects (that you later can manipulate like in a typical vector graphics program). Usually, you rather should work with the object model since the shape of each object can be easily modified later on.