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What is the density of a block with a mass of 36 g and a volume of 9 cm3?

What is the density of a block with a mass of 36 g and a volume of 9 cm3?

A. 45 g/cm3.

What is the formula for volume when you have mass and density?

Density offers a convenient means of obtaining the mass of a body from its volume or vice versa; the mass is equal to the volume multiplied by the density (M = Vd), while the volume is equal to the mass divided by the density (V = M/d).

Is density the volume in a given mass?

Divide the mass by the density of the substance to determine the volume (mass/density = volume). For example, if the density is given in grams per cubic centimeter, then measure the mass in grams and give the volume in cubic centimeters.

What is volume mass and density consider to be?

Introduction: Volume – How much space an object or substance takes up. Density – How much space an object or substance takes up (its volume) in relation to the amount of matter in that object or substance (its mass). The amount of mass per unit of volume.

How do you find the density of an object with weight and volume?

You can determine its weight simply by multiplying the density by the size, or volume, of the item. Write down the volume and the density of the item you’re measuring.

How do you find volume when given density and temperature?

Subtract the mass of the container from the mass of the substance and container to calculate the mass of the substance (mass of substance = mass of container and substance – mass of container). Calculate the volume of the substance by dividing the mass of the substance by the density (volume = mass/density).

How are mass and density related for blocks of the same volume?

The mass of atoms, their size, and how they are arranged determine the density of a substance. Density equals the mass of the substance divided by its volume; D = m/v. Objects with the same volume but different mass have different densities.

What is the density of a rock which has a mass of 35 g and a volume of 7 CM³?

What is the density of a rock which has a mass of 35 grams and a volume of 7 cm3? Explanation: Density equals mass divided by volume (D=M/V). Thus, 35/7=5.

How to calculate the density of an object?

The formula for density ( ρ – Greek lower-case letter rho) expressed in terms of the body’s volume ( v) and its mass ( m) is the equation: Solving for mass or volume requires straightforward transformations. The formula is valid for homogenous materials where the density of all points in the object equals its total mass divided by its total volume.

How is mass density different from number density?

It should be differentiated with other kinds of density e.g. number density: the particles per unit volume. Mass density is defined as the ratio of the substance’s volume to its mass.

How does an increase in pressure affect density?

An increase in pressure decreases volume, and always increases density. Increases in temperature tend to decrease density since volume will generally increase. There are exceptions however, such as water’s density increasing between 0°C and 4°C.

How does the density of a substance change with temperature?

The density of a material or substance varies with its temperature and pressure, which is typically negligible for solids and liquids but is much greater for gases. Increasing the pressure on a substance decreases its volume and increases its density.