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What is the dispersal agent of cotton?

What is the dispersal agent of cotton?

Wind is the agent responsible for dispersal of cotton.

How cotton grows from seed?

Once the tiny ovules that will become the seed have been fertilized, the young boll grows rapidly. The cotton fiber develops from the tiny cells located on the outer surface of the seed. Keeping one end firmly anchored to the seedcoat, the fiber stretches out, growing longer day by day.

How are cotton and maple seed dispersal?

Dispersal by wind – seeds of cotton or Dandelion have tiny hairs surrounding them. While the Maple seed has wings attached to it. these adaptations help the seeds to be carried out by wind.

How do the fine hair that surround cotton seed help in their dispersal?

The fine air that surrounds cotton seed help in reducing the weight of the seed and make it light. The fine helps in dispersal through wind as these hairs help the seed to fly lightly and can go over long distance to germinate.

What is the special features that help in seed dispersal of cotton?

Cotton seeds are light and bear hair and fiber on its surface as a result of which it can be easily dispersed by winds.

How do they process cotton?

Cotton Processing

  1. Step One: Mechanical Cleaning (EVŌC) and Cake Formation. The first step in our process is to run it through a processing machine that opens the dense tufts of fiber from the ginned cotton bales.
  2. Step Two: Scouring.
  3. Step Three: Purifying.
  4. Step Four: Fiber Finishing.
  5. Step Five: Opening and Drying.

Where does cotton plant grow?

The Story of Cotton- Where Cotton Grows. Cotton Cotton grows in warm climates and most of the world’s cotton is grown in the U.S., Uzbekistan, the People’s Republic of China and India. Other leading cotton-growing countries are Brazil, Pakistan and Turkey.

How is a cocklebur seed dispersal?

A primary dispersal mechanism for spiny cocklebur is “hitchhiking” on animal fur or human clothing. The fruits float in water, and can also be effectively dispersed by water. Seeds can be spread by clinging to feedsacks or in contaminated hay.