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What is the feminine gender of horse?

What is the feminine gender of horse?

Mare is the feminine form of a horse.

What is the feminine gender of feminine?

List of masculine and feminine words in English:

Masculine Feminine Gender neutral
man woman person
father mother parent
boy girl child
uncle aunt

What is the gender of peacock?

The term “peacock” is commonly used to refer to birds of both sexes. Technically, only males are peacocks. Females are peahens, and together, they are called peafowl.

What is the gender of monkey?

Monkey is a common noun that is used to talk about both the males and females of the species. Monkeys are haplorhine (“dry-nosed”) primates. There is no specific word for female monkey. The female monkey is called ‘FEMALE MONKEY’; and the male monkey is called ‘MALE MONKEY’.

What do you call a female giraffe in French?

Ex.2 : une girafe (=a giraffe), une coccinelle (= a ladybird), une poule (= a hen / chick) are feminine nouns. We cannot change the gender of these nounsand say « un girafe » to refer to a male giraffe or call a femelle monkey « une singe ». Getting More Specific: Referring to Male / Female Animals

Which is the correct declension for the word giraffe?

The declension of the noun Giraffe is in singular genitive Giraffe and in the plural nominative Giraffen . The noun Giraffe is declined with the declension endings -/n. The voice of Giraffe is feminine and the article “die”. Here you can not only inflect Giraffe but also all German nouns . Comments ☆

Is the name of an animal a masculine or feminine noun?

Like all nouns, animal names are strictly masculine or feminine when they refer to the generic name of the species. Ex.1: un singe (= a monkey), un perroquet (= a parrot), un hippocampe (= a seahorse) are masculine nouns. Ex.2 : une girafe (=a giraffe), une coccinelle (= a ladybird), une poule (= a hen / chick) are feminine nouns.

What do you call a male and female sheep?

Some animals have specific, distinctive names to describe either the male or the female individual: You will find this in English too: a sheep is the generic name (called “mouton” in French) ; the male can be called a ram (“bélier”) and the female an ewe (“brebis”).