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What is the Greek root for port?

What is the Greek root for port?

Greek and Latin Roots – “port” root = to carry.

What does the root form mean?

The root form, which means ‘shape,’ gives us a number of words that are used every day, including reform, information, deformed, and form. To ‘form,” for instance, is simply ‘to shape,’ whereas to reform is merely to ‘shape again.

Is the root word AUD Greek or Latin?

-aud-, root. -aud- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “hear. ” This meaning is found in such words as: audible, audience, audio, audit, audition, auditorium, inaudible.

What is the root word in important?

mid-15c., “significant, of much import, bearing weight or consequence,” from Medieval Latin importantem (nominative importans) “important, momentous,” present-participle adjective from importare “be significant in,” from Latin importare “bring in, convey, bring in from abroad,” from assimilated form of in- “into, in” ( …

What words have the root word struct?

11 letter words containing struct

  • instruction.
  • destruction.
  • destructive.
  • restructure.
  • obstruction.
  • instructive.
  • reconstruct.
  • deconstruct.

What words have the root form?

Form Root Word

  • Information: Descriptive ‘shape’
  • Deformed: ‘Out of shape’
  • Malformed: ‘Badly shaped’
  • Conform: ‘Thoroughly shape’ to others.
  • Nonconformist: ‘Not thoroughly shaped’ to others.
  • Cruciform: ‘Shaped like a cross’
  • Cuneiform: ‘Shaped like a wedge’
  • Formula: Mathematical ‘shape’

What does the root phono mean?

Word Origin for phono- from Greek phōnē sound, voice.

What AUD means?

Australian dollar
AUD is the abbreviation for the Australian dollar. The AUD, in various pairs, is one of the world’s top-traded currencies.

What is the root of Aus?

*aus- (1) Proto-Indo-European root meaning “to shine,” especially of the dawn. It forms all or part of: austral; Australia; Austria; Austro-; Aurora; east; Easter; eastern; eo-; Ostrogoth.

What words start with Port?

11-letter words that start with port. portraiture. porterhouse. portmanteau. portraitist. portobellos. portionless. porteresses.

What is the definition of the root word port?

The important Latin root word port means ‘carry.’ Some common English words that use this root include import, export, deport, and report.

What does VAC mean root?

The root vac comes from the Latin verb vocare, which means to empty. Therefore, vacancy is something empty, available, unoccupied.