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What is the homophones of kernel?

What is the homophones of kernel?

Homophones – colonel or kernel – Learn English Homophones.

What are synonyms antonyms or homophones?

SYNONYMS: one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses. HOMOGRAPHS: Words that are spelled alike but have different meanings or pronunciations. HOMOPHONES: Words that are spelled differently but sound alike and have different meanings.

What is a synonym for homophones?

The word homonym can be used as a synonym for both homophone and homograph. Homographs are words that have the same spelling but different meanings, whether they’re pronounced the same or not.

Is Speedy a homophone?

Homonyms (also called homophones) are words that sound like one another but have different meanings and sometimes slightly different spellings. Some homonyms, however, are spelled the same, like fast (to abstain) and fast (quick, speedy).

Is colonel a kernel?

From the very beginning, when this word came into English in the 1500s, there were two versions of spelling and two pronunciations. So, the written form of the word (colonel) and the spoken (“kernel”) were both being used. In English, a combination won out. Colonel was spelled c-o-l-o-n-e-l but pronounced “kernel.”

Is kernel and colonel synonyms?

A kernel is the edible portion of a seed, nut or fruit that is inside a stone or shell. Kernel may also mean the essential part of something. A colonel is a high-ranking officer in an army or air force. …

What are the example of synonyms and antonyms?

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Synonyms are words with the same or similar meaning….Synonym Examples

  • Afraid, scared, frightened.
  • Automobile, car, vehicle.
  • Big, large, huge.
  • Blank, empty, hollow.
  • Bunny, rabbit, hare.
  • Cap, hat.
  • Center, middle, inside.
  • Couch, sofa, divan.

What are homonyms homophones antonyms and synonyms?

A synonym is an alternate word that has the same or similar meaning of any particular word. An antonym is an opposite word for any given word. A homonym is a word that has more than one meaning, depending on the contexts it is being used.

What is meaning of antonyms and synonyms?

Synonyms are words that have the same, or almost the same, meaning as another word. Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning of another word. Choosing the right synonym refines your writing. Learning common antonyms sharpens your sense of language and expands your vocabulary.

What is a homophone of week?

One example of homophones are the two words, weak and week. They sound the same and are almost spelled the same but they mean two different things. Weak means that something is not strong, or it can break easily. But week is a measurement of time, meaning seven days.

Are quick and speedy synonyms?

Some common synonyms of speedy are expeditious, fast, fleet, hasty, quick, rapid, and swift.

Why is the colonel called kernel?

The French also took this word from the Italians. But when they added it to their language, they changed the word “colonnelo” to “coronel.” Language experts say this is because the French wanted to have the “r” sound in the word, instead of the two “l” sounds. Colonel was spelled c-o-l-o-n-e-l but pronounced “kernel.”