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What is the importance of conditioned reflex?

What is the importance of conditioned reflex?

Physiologically, the great significance of the conditioned reflex is that it furnishes an objective method of studying the function of the cortex; psychologically, it is of importance as a method of studying association.

Why is a conditioned response important?

A Word From Verywell The conditioned response is an important part of the classical conditioning process. By forming an association between a previously neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus, learning can take place, eventually leading to a conditioned response.

What is conditioned reflex give one example?

Conditioned reflex: conditioned reflex is the stimulus which is associated with another stimulus and response is generated. For example: Salivation in a hungry dog in response to ringing a bell.

Which of the following are examples of conditioned reflex?

Trained dog salivates when you ring a bell is the example of conditioned reflex. It is also called acquired reflexes. It is not inborn, but acquired and dependent on past experience, training and learning i.e. adopted during the course of lifetime.

What is a conditioned reflex?

A conditioned reflex, also called an acquired reflex, is an automatic response to a stimulus that differs from that initially causing the response, but that has become associated with it by repetition, in a process known as classical conditioning.

Is sneezing a conditioned reflex?

Option B: Secretion of saliva is normally an unconditioned reflex but it was seen in Pavlov’s experiment that this reflex can also be a conditioned reflex. Therefore, this is the correct option. Option C: Sneezing reflex is an unconditioned reflex.

Why would classical conditioning help someone in their daily life functioning?

Classical conditioning explains many aspects of human behavior. It plays an important role in generating emotional responses, advertising, addiction, psychotherapy, hunger etc. Classical conditioning also finds its application at school, post traumatic disorders or associating something with the past.

Why classical conditioning is important?

Classical conditioning can help us understand how some forms of addiction, or drug dependence, work. For example, the repeated use of a drug could cause the body to compensate for it, in an effort to counterbalance the effects of the drug. Another example of classical conditioning is known as the appetizer effect.

What is conditioned reflex learning?

A conditioned reflex, also known as a conditioned response, is an acquired response in which the subject (which can be a human or other animal) learns to associate a previously unrelated neutral stimulus with a different stimulus that elicits some kind of reaction.

Who describes conditioned reflex?

During the first part of 20th century the theory of conditioned reflexes by Ivan Pavlov as well as the theory of operant conditioning1 of Burrhus Skinner dominated in scientific approach.

Is blushing a conditioned reflex?

State whether the following are simple reflexes, conditioned reflexes or neither of the two….Chapter 10 – The Nervous System Exercise Ex. 1.

Example Type of Reflex
(i) Sneezing Simple
(ii) Blushing Simple
(iii) Contraction of eye pupil Simple
(iv) Lifting up a book Conditioned

Is coughing a conditioned reflex?

Sneezing, coughing, and gagging are similar reflexes in response to foreign bodies in the nose and throat, and the wink reflex helps protect the eyes from injury. A conditioned reflex is one acquired as the result of experience.

Which is the best definition of a conditioned reflex?

A conditioned reflex, also known as a conditioned response, is an acquired response in which the subject (which can be a human or other animal) learns to associate a previously unrelated neutral stimulus with a different stimulus that elicits some kind of reaction.

What are the benefits of reflex action in animals?

The benefits of reflex action are as follows: Animals defend themselves from adverse conditions without any delay. Any type of burden (while thinking) or load is not felt by the brain. Very often we save ourselves from serious actions through reflex action.

Which is the best description of a reflex action?

Reflex action is an immediate involuntary response to a stimulus. In an involuntary response, a sensory impulse on reaching central nervous system is itself returned to a specific effector as a motor impulse without neuronal analysis and integration. Reflex responses occur below the level of consciousness. Reflex actions are sudden and autonomic.

Is the spinal cord under control of reflex action?

It is under the control of spinal cord. In broader sense, all the involuntary actions are reflex action. But the term reflex action is applied only to those actions which are performed by external body organs without any control of ones will. Reflex action is an immediate involuntary response to a stimulus.