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What is the order of symmetry of an equilateral triangle?

What is the order of symmetry of an equilateral triangle?

order 3
An equilateral triangle has three lines of symmetry. It has rotational symmetry of order 3.

Can you tell the order of the rotational symmetry for an equilateral triangle?

The order of the rotational symmetry for an equilateral triangle is 3.

What is the rotational symmetry of an equilateral triangle in degrees?

120 degrees
An equilateral triangle does have rotational symmetry. It can be turned 120 degrees clockwise or 120 degrees counterclockwise and will still look…

What is the order of rotational symmetry for a triangle?

Order 3
Triangle/Rotational symmetry

How many rotational symmetries does a triangle have?

What is rotation order?

The number of times a figure fits into itself in one complete rotation is called the order of rotational symmetry. If A° is the smallest angle by which a figure is rotated so that rotated from fits onto the original form, then the order of rotational symmetry is given by 360°A°, [A° < 180°]

Does 180 Degree have rotational symmetry?

An object has rotational symmetry if that figure is itself after you rotate it less than 180 degrees. If it is itself after exactly 180 degrees no more no less then that figure has point symmetry.

What is order of rotation and angle of rotation of equilateral triangle?

An equilateral triangle has an order of rotation of 3 and an angle of rotation as 120 degrees. izvoru47 and 92 more users found this answer helpful.

How many rotations does an equilateral triangle have?

Each 1200 rotation of an equilateral triangle will return the original equilateral triangle. So, an equilateral triangle has an order of rotational symmetry of 3.

What is rotational symmetry Order 3?

The equilateral triangle will match three times in rotating (turning) around its center. So it has rotational symmetry of Order 3.

What is the angle of rotation of a equilateral triangle?

An equilateral triangle has an order of rotation of 3 and an angle of rotation as 120 degrees. izvoru47 and 92 more users found this answer helpful. Thanks 52.

How many lines of symmetry does an equilateral triangle have?

Equilateral triangle/Line of symmetry