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What is the Puerto Rican evil eye?

What is the Puerto Rican evil eye?

Azabache Bracelets – Mal de ojo, or evil eye, is believed to result of excessive admiration or envious looks by others. Having newborn babies wear an azabache (a gold bracelet or necklace with a black or red coral charm in the form of a fist), is believed to protect them from the evil eye.

What is a famous tradition in Puerto Rico?

Every year, Puerto Ricans celebrate el Día de Reyes, or Three Kings Day, which is also known as Epiphany. This is another of the many religious customs in Puerto Rico and is to honor the Three Wise Men who visited Jesus not long after he was born.

Who is a famous Puerto Rican?

The list of accomplishments from Puerto Rican celebrities is endless, and it should definitely bring a sense of pride to all Latinos. Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony, and Ricky Martin are among some of the world’s most famous performers.

What do you call Puerto Rican?

Boricua is the local name for a Puerto Rican. The word derives from the indigenous name for the island of Puerto Rico: Boriken or Boriquín. So, next time you see a Puerto Rican, make sure to say, “Que tal, Boricua”.

What are the beliefs of Puerto Ricans?

Puerto Ricans believe in well-knit family and have strong family values, which reflects in their culture. Puerto Ricans give great importance to dignity, honor, and respect to the elders in the family. They are emotionally attached to their family and friends, and like to socialize with them.

What are some Puerto Rican songs?

In Puerto Rico, there are various types of folk music in Puerto Rico, and the music ranges from “Areyto,” “Décima,” “Aguinaldo,” “Coplas,” “Seis Chorreo,” “Bomba,” “Danza,” to “Plena” and many more other forms.

What is the Puerto Rican culture?

Puerto Rican culture. Puerto Rican culture is a mix of four cultures, African (from the slaves), Taíno (Amerindians), Spanish, and more recently, North American. From Africans, the Puerto Ricans have obtained the “bomba and plena”, a type of music and dance including percussions and maracas.