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What is the range of consistency of cement?

What is the range of consistency of cement?

The Standard or Normal consistency for Ordinary Portland cement varies between 25-35%. To prepare a mix of cement paste of Standard consistency 25-35% of water is added to cement.

What is normal consistency test of cement?

1) Normal or Standard Consistency of cement – the minimum quantity of water required for cement to form uniform paste that provide sufficient viscosity which will allow the Vicat plunger to penetrate to 5-7 mm point from the bottom and 33 -35mm from top of Vicat cement mould according to standard condition of …

What is a standard consistency?

Explanation: Standard consistency of cement paste may be defined as the consistency which permits the Vicat’s plunger (10 mm, 40 to 50 mm in length) to penetrate to a point 5 mm to 7 mm from the bottom ( or 35 mm to 33 mm from top) of Vicat mould.

How is standard consistency expressed?

Standard consistency: (Normal consistency) It is expressed as amount of water as a percentage (by weight) of dry cement.

Is standard consistency 4031?

STANDARD • IS: 4031 (Part 4) 1988 DEFINITION • The standard consistency of a cement paste is defined as that consistency which will permit the vicat plunger to penetrate to a point 5 to 7mm from the bottom of the vicat mould. Fill the vicat mould with this paste resting upon a non-porous plate.

How is the standard consistency expressed?

What is concrete consistency?

A. Consistency is the relative mobility or ability of freshly mixed concrete to flow. It includes the entire range of fluidity from the driest to the wettest possible mixtures. Plastic consistency indicates a condition where applied stress will result in continuous deformation without rupture.

Why do we do standard consistency of cement?

It is necessary to determine consistency because the amount of water affects the setting time of the cement. So, correct proportion of water to cement is required to be known to achieve proper strength while using cement in structure. This can be found out knowing standard consistency of cement paste.

Is p2 a 4031?

This standard (Part 2) covers the procedure for determining by Blaine air permeability apparatus, the fineness of cement as represented by specific surface expressed as total surface area in cm2/g. NOTE – This method is also being used for determination of fineness of various other materials.

What is the range of standard value for Portland cement?

According to Portland Cement, Ordinary Portland Cement (GB175-1999), the national standard, the strength grades of ordinary cement can be divided into: 32.5, 32.5 R, 42.5, 42.5 R, 52.5, 52.5 R, and their ages should be no less than the numerical value in Table 4.3.

What is a consistency test?

The consistency test is designed to assess one necessary, but not sufficient, aspect of robustness. That is, the ability to find the same solution regardless of the initial position. For a consistent method, all the transformations, Fj, should be the same as T0.

What is the normal consistency or standard consistency of cement paste?

What is The Normal Consistency or Standard Consistency of Cement Paste? The normal consistency or standard consistency of a cement is defined as that consistency which will permit the Vicat plunger of 10 mm diameter to penetrate to a point 5 mm to 7 mm from the bottom of the Vicat mould when the cement paste is tested as described in procedure.

What should the consistency of Portland cement be?

Generally, the standard consistency for ordinary Portland cement ranges from 26 to 33%. More than this value show that the cement paste might have become extra wet and poor which lead to bleeding and less than this value shows that cement paste might have become harsh which can cause cracks and give a rough surface.

How much does it cost for consistency test of cement?

Cost of consistency test of cement is approximately 200 to 400 Indian rupees. Cost is totally dependent on the various factors, i.e. area where test is conducted, the urgency of test results, numbers of the test, relation with client etc. At use of every 50 MT cement. When the source of cement is changed.

How is the consistency of Vicat Cement determined?

Determination of Standard Consistency of Cement. The standard consistency of cement is that consistency, which permit the vicat plunger to penetrate to a point 5 to 7mm from the bottom of the vicat mould when tested.