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What is the role of the government in providing facilities to the public?

What is the role of the government in providing facilities to the public?

Role of Government in Providing Public Facilities: The government has to ensure universal access to a public facility. The government has to provide a facility either without a charge or at a charge which is affordable to the masses.

What do you think would happen if the government withdraws from the task of supplying water?

Ans. If the government withdraws from the task of supplying water it would lead to an increase in the price of water because the private enterprises would not be willing to do it at a lower cost. It would lead to great unrest in the country.

Who is responsible for maintaining the public facilities?

Given that public facilities are so important, someone must carry the responsibility of providing these to the people. This ‘someone’ is the government. One of the most important functions of the government is to ensure that these public facilities are made available to everyone.

Why should the public facilities be provided at an affordable rate?

Answer: Provision of public facilities needs to be affordable for all as they require huge investment while being set up. Since private companies operate for profit, they are more likely to look at the cost aspect of their investment in such facilities and would aim to recover their costs.

Why public facilities are necessary?

Public facilities are the basic facilities like education, food, health, electricity, sanitation, safe drinking water, shelter, security etc., that are given collectively by the Government. Public facilities are important as they ensure basic needs of the people gets fulfilled in an affordable way.

What is the importance of public facilities?

Public facilities are the essential facilities for the community at large and are provided by the government. Important : They are important because there are many services like education, health, transportation etc., which have become cheap and affordable if provided, collectively.

Do you think that lack of access to proper sanitation facilities affects peoples lives how class 8?

Answer : Yes, the lack of access to proper sanitation facilities will affect the life of the people. They have to find other alternatives as well as be a risk to many diseases such as Cholera and typhoid. They would also be open to the risk of many respiratory and skin-related infections.

Do you think to allow private companies to take over the task of water supply would be a right step?

Solution: No, I do not think this will not be a right step. Because if the Government withdraws from the task of supplying water and allow private companies then there will be a steep rise in the price of water making it unaffordable for most of the people.

Why are public facilities important?

Why are the public facilities needed for the development of the country?

Ans. Public facilities are those facilities which are not possible for any individual to access at economic cost, so government provides such facilities to the public to ensure quality of life. (ii) Basic health facilities Government provideshospitals, vaccine programmes to maintainbasic quality of life.

Do you think that the government alone provides public facilities?

Explanation: It is the government’s responsibility to make sure that public facilities are provided to all the people. Some public facilities may be provided by the government and also by private companies. Example :- It gives contracts for building roads, bridges, etc., to private companies.

Why public facilities are important?

Why is it important to provide public facilities?

Someone needs to carry the responsibility of providing public responsibilities to the people as they are important for their survival. Here, ‘someone’ is government. Ensuring that public facilities are accessible to every citizen is an important function of the government.

What is the role of the local government?

Local government has an important role also – often the proactive preventative function. Local governments have a very important role to play in protection of surface water, ground water, drinking water and wetlands, often filling in the gaps in state and federal regulations.

Which is an example of public facilities in CBSE Class 8?

Chapter 9 of CBSE Class 8 Civics uses water as the primary example to discuss public facilities. It is important that the student understand quite clearly what is meant by the idea of public facilities and why the government needs to play a crucial role in their provision and, therefore, take overall responsibility.

Which is an important function of the government?

Ensuring that public facilities are accessible to every citizen is an important function of the government. Nowadays, a lot of private companies have started to operate in order to gain profits in the Indian markets.