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What is the rooting reflex quizlet?

What is the rooting reflex quizlet?

Rooting Reflex. The newborn’s tendency to move its head when stroked on the cheek, turn toward the stimulus as if searching. Sucking. The autonomic response of drawing in anything at the mouth.

Which of the following would characterize a child who is in the formal operational stage of cognitive development?

Which of the following would characterize a child who is in the formal operational stage of cognitive development? The child is able to think logically and systematically even when dealing with highly abstract concepts.

Which of the following terms refers to a person’s accumulated knowledge and verbal skills which tend to increase with age?

As people age, they tend to gain vocabulary and knowledge. These gains are connected to increases in: crystallized intelligence.

Which of the following was not mentioned in the text as a criticism of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development?

Which of the following was not mentioned in the text as criticism of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development? It does not account for the fact that the development of moral reasoning is culture-specific. Which stage of moral reasoning is Sam in?

What is rooting reflex?

The rooting reflex is one of the involuntary primitive motor reflexes, which are also known as the frontal release reflexes, that are mediated by the brainstem. It initiates when the corner of an infant’s mouth is stimulated.

What is rooting quizlet?

Rooting reflex. When touched on the cheek, a baby will turn his or her head to the side where he or she felt the touch and seek to put the object into his or her mouth. Sucking reflex.

Which of Erikson’s stages seems most important?

The first stage of Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development occurs between birth and 1 year of age and is the most fundamental stage in life. Because an infant is utterly dependent, developing trust is based on the dependability and quality of the child’s caregivers.

What would be an example of a child in the formal operational stage?

The formal-operational child develops thinking skills in all logical combinations and learns to think with abstract concepts. For example, a child in the concrete-operational period will have great difficulty determining all the possible…

Which of the following refers to a person’s accumulated knowledge?

Crystallized intelligence refers to the accumulation of knowledge, facts, and skills that are acquired throughout life.

What term refers to a person’s accumulated knowledge and verbal skills?

reason abstractly. which of the following terms refers to a person’s accumulated knowledge and verbal skills. crystallized intelligence.

What is the highest level conscience based moral decisions?

Stage 6: Universal ethical principle orientation According to Kohlberg, this is the highest stage of functioning. At this stage, the appropriate action is determined by one’s self-chosen ethical principles of conscience. These principles are abstract and universal in application.

What is Preconventional moral reasoning in psychology?

…the early level, that of preconventional moral reasoning, the child uses external and physical events (such as pleasure or pain) as the source for decisions about moral rightness or wrongness; his standards are based strictly on what will avoid punishment or bring pleasure.