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What is the scientific name of rosewood?

What is the scientific name of rosewood?

Aniba rosaeodora (rosewood)

What tree does Brazilian rosewood come from?

D. nigra
rosewood, Dalbergia stevensoni, and the Brazilian rosewood, principally D. nigra, a leguminous tree up to 125 feet (38 metres) called cabiúna, and jacaranda in Brazil. Jacaranda (q.v.) also refers to several species of Machaerium, also of the Fabaceae (or Leguminosae) family, and a source of commercial rosewood.

Why is Brazilian rosewood illegal?

Why is Brazilian rosewood so heavily regulated? In 1967, Brazilian rosewood had become so popular for instruments and other wood products that the Brazilian government became concerned that this precious hardwood could be wiped out, so the government outlawed the export of rosewood logs.

Is jacaranda the same as Brazilian rosewood?

Brazilian rosewood, also called jacaranda, is perhaps one of the most beautiful woods in the world. The tree is classified as Dalbergia nigra.

How can you tell Brazilian rosewood?

Color/Appearance: Brazilian rosewood can vary in color from a darker chocolate brown to a lighter purplish or reddish brown, with darker contrasting streaks. The black streaks can sometimes form a unique grain pattern that is sometimes referred to as “spider-webbing” or “landscape,” very similar to ziricote.

Which area is famous for rosewood trees?

rosewood, any of several ornamental timbers, products of various tropical trees native to Brazil, Honduras, Jamaica, Africa, and India. The most important commercially are the Honduras rosewood, Dalbergia stevensoni, and the Brazilian rosewood, principally D.

Where is Brazilian rosewood found?

Atlantic coastal forests
The Brazilian rosewood is found in the Atlantic coastal forests of Brazil. It grows in a range of climates from southern Bahia to Minas Gerais (Brazilian states). It is most frequently found inhabiting rolling or mountainous terrain that has relatively fertile soil.

What year did Gibson stop using Brazilian rosewood?

Gibson stopped using it around 1968-1969 but the production was all over the place so some do and some don’t.

What is Jacaranda wood?

Scientific name is Machaerium villosum. This is a unique hardwood lumber from the Central to Southern East Coast of Brazil. It is dense and able to take a fine smooth polish. This has allowed Jacaranda pardo to slide in as a natural replacement of Brazilian Rosewood. The grain is somewhat coarse and fibrous.

When did Martin stop using Brazilian rosewood?

Supplies grew extremely thin in the late 1960s, however, and Martin and others stopped using Brazilian rosewood in 1969, moving over to Indian rosewood, then other varieties. In 1992, Brazilian rosewood was added to the CITES treaty, strictly banning its exportation.

What does Brazilian rosewood look like?

Is Brazilian rosewood extinct?

Excessive harvesting of this species since colonial times in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest has led to its extreme endangerment. Brazilian rosewood is included in CITES Appendix I, indicating it is a species in greatest danger of extinction and therefore under the highest level of protection.