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What is the substrate of Salivary Glands?

What is the substrate of Salivary Glands?

Where enzymes are produced

Enzyme Substrate Where produced
Salivary amylase Starch Salivary glands
Protease Protein Stomach, pancreas
Lipase Lipids (fats and oils) Pancreas
Pancreatic amylase Starch Pancreas

Which of the following is a substrate of an enzyme secreted by salivary glands?


Enzyme Produced By Substrate Acting On
Salivary amylase Salivary glands Polysaccharides (Starch)
Pancreatic amylase Pancreas Polysaccharides (starch)
Oligosaccharidases Lining of the intestine; brush border membrane Disaccharides

What are the enzymes secreted by salivary gland?

Saliva contains the enzyme amylase, also called ptyalin, which is capable of breaking down starch into simpler sugars such as maltose and dextrin that can be further broken down in the small intestine.

What is the substrate for salivary amylase?

The substrate for amylase is starch, a polysaccharide composed of amylose + amylopectin. The product of the amylase reaction is maltose, a disaccharide (made from two glucose molecules).

Does protein assist the digestive process?

Protein digestion in the stomach takes a longer time than carbohydrate digestion, but a shorter time than fat digestion. Eating a high-protein meal increases the amount of time required to sufficiently break down the meal in the stomach. Food remains in the stomach longer, making you feel full longer.

How is protein digested GCSE?

Proteins are digested in the stomach and small intestine. Protease enzymes break down proteins into amino acids. Digestion of proteins in the stomach is helped by stomach acid, which is strong hydrochloric acid. This also kills harmful microorganisms that may be in the food.

What Are salivary glands?

There are three pairs of major salivary glands: the parotid glands, the submandibular glands, and the sublingual glands.

  • Parotid Glands. The parotid glands are the largest salivary glands.
  • Submandibular Glands. About the size of a walnut, the submandibular glands are located below the jaw.
  • Sublingual Glands.

Which of the following is not the salivary protein?

Lacrimal gland is present in the eye and secretes tears. It is not a salivary gland.

What is the substrate of Sucrase?

An example: Sucrase, 400 times the size of its substrate sucrose, splits the sucrose into its constituent sugars, which are glucose and fructose. The sucrase bends the sucrose, and strains the bond between the glucose and fructose.

Which enzyme initiates protein digestion?

Of these five components, pepsin is the principal enzyme involved in protein digestion. It breaks down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids that can be easily absorbed in the small intestine.