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What is the word for a small brook?

What is the word for a small brook?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for SMALL BROOK [rill]

What is the name for a brook or a small stream?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BROOK, SMALL STREAM [rill]

What is a four letter word for a small stream?

small stream Crossword Clue

Answer Letters Options
Small Stream with 4 Letters
RILL 4 found
RILL 4 found
SIKE 4 found

What is a small valley 4 letters?

The crossword clue Small valley with 4 letters was last seen on the April 22, 2020….Small Valley Crossword Clue.

Rank Word Clue
95% DELL Small valley
95% DENE Small valley
95% DALE Small valley
95% COULEE Small valley

What’s the name for a brook?

streamlet. A small stream; rivulet. 4. 1. runnel.

Which is bigger a brook or a stream?

Therefore, the key difference between a stream and a brook is the size. That is; streams include large rivers, small to medium-sized creeks as well as small brooks whereas brooks are smaller than rivers and creeks. Moreover, brooks are very shallow and easily forded.

What do you call a small stream?

A stream is any body of running water that occupies a channel. Streams smaller than rivers, roughly in order of size, may be called branches or forks, creeks, brooks, runnels, and rivulets. The very smallest kind of stream, just a trickle, is a rill.

What is the flexible end of a whip called?

A quirt is a short, flexible piece of thickly braided leather with two wide pieces of leather at the end, which makes a loud crack when it strikes an animal or object. They inflict more noise than pain.

What is a word for a small stream?

rivulet. A small brook or stream; a streamlet.

What do you call small valley?

Noun. Valley, especially in the form of a natural hollow, small and deep. dell. basin.

What is the clue of precocious?

of a child : having or showing the qualities or abilities of an adult at an unusually early age She was a precocious child who could read before she went to school. A precocious musician, he was giving concerts when he was seven.