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What is tyranny of the majority in philosophy?

What is tyranny of the majority in philosophy?

Tyranny of the majority (or tyranny of the masses) is a situation that can result from a system of majority rule, wherein the majority group places its own interests above the interests of a minority group without consideration for the welfare or rights of the minority.

Who proposed tyranny of the majority?

In 1831 an ambitious and unusually perceptive twenty-five-year-old French aristocrat visited the United States. Alexis de Tocqueville’s official purpose was to study the American penal system, but his real interest was America herself.

What does tyranny of the minority mean?

The tyranny of the majority (or tyranny of the masses) is an inherent weakness to majority rule in which the majority of an electorate pursues exclusively its own objectives at the expense of those of the minority factions.

How does social tyranny affect the individual?

Social tyranny works by imposing strict customs and discouraging individuals from embracing any of their natural talents or thoughts that go against the social grain.

What do you mean by tyranny of the majority explain the constitutional safeguards provided for the protection of minority in India?

Tyranny of majority implies a situation where majority tries imposes its decisions on the minorities. The act ensures protection of minorities and seeks to provide justice to them.

Why it is important to respect the views of minority?

(a) The female teachers are in minority. It is important to respect the views of the female teachers because they are equally qualified males and equally contributing to run the school. (b) The Buddhists are in minority. Their views should be respected by non-Buddhists too.

What is the tyranny of the majority in politics?

Politics portal. The tyranny of the majority (or tyranny of the masses) is an inherent weakness of majority rule in which the majority of an electorate can and does place its own interests above, and at the expense of those in the minority.

How did the tyranny of the majority lead to the Civil War?

The subsequent creation of the Confederate States of America catalyzed the American Civil War . 19th century concurrent majority theories held logical counterbalances to standard tyranny of the majority harms originating from Antiquity and onward.

Who was the first person to use the phrase the tyranny of the multitude?

Later users include Edmund Burke, who wrote in a 1790 letter that “The tyranny of a multitude is a multiplied tyranny.” It was further popularised by John Stuart Mill, influenced by Tocqueville, in On Liberty (1859). Friedrich Nietzsche used the phrase in the first sequel to Human, All Too Human (1879).

How is the subsidiarity principle used in tyranny?

In these conditions some perception of tyranny arrives, and the subsidiarity principle can be used to contest the central decision. Minority and tyranny characterized: a coherent subset of voters with some collective action; a central decision; the subsidiarity principle can be used by minority group decision.