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What made Ghana an important trading center?

What made Ghana an important trading center?

Ghana was in an ideal position to become a trading center. As trade in gold and salt increased, Gha- na’s rulers gained power. Eventually, they built up armies equipped with iron weapons that were superior to the weapons of nearby people. Over time, Ghana took control of trade from merchants.

Why was Ghana important for trade?

As salt was worth its weight in gold, and gold was so abundant in the kingdom, Ghana achieved much of its wealth through trade with the Arabs. Islamic merchants traveled over two months through the desert to reach Ghana and “do business.” They were taxed for both what they brought in and what they took out.

What made Ghana the center of an enormous trade empire?

Located on the savannah of West Africa, Ghana’s gold made it the center of an enormous trading empire. Ghana traded its gold for products brought from North Africa. Muslim merchants brought metal goods, cloth, horses, and salt to Ghana. Because salt was scarce in the savannah, it was worth its weight in gold.

How did Ghana become a thriving trade center?

Students should recognize that Ghana became a thriving trade center due to salt from across the Sahara and gold from the south. Timbuktu was an important center for the gold and salt trade, as well as a center of learning. Gold was found in the south and salt was found in the north.

What were the two major trade goods that made Ghana rich Where did each come from?

Since Ghana was located between the salt deposit rich Sahara and gold rich forests in the south, these two resources were traded heavily. In fact, salt and gold were traded as equal value!

Why was Ghana’s geographic location important to its development?

Ghana’s geographic location contributed to its development as an empire because , ghana was in between the Sahara desert and the forests. This ment they were able to trade with people in the sahara and people in the forests which helped them grow rich and powerful.