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What medicine can I put on my eye for a stye?

What medicine can I put on my eye for a stye?

The most commonly prescribed topical antibiotic for stye is erythromycin. Oral antibiotics are more effective, usually amoxicillin, cephalosporin, tetracycline, doxycycline, or erythromycin. The stye should clear in about two days, but the antibiotic should be taken for the full term prescribed, usually seven days.

Do medicated eye drops help a stye?

Many drugstores sell eye drops that may help relieve the pain of styes. These remedies will not heal the stye, but they may help ease the pain.

How do you treat a stye or pink eye?

How to treat pink eye

  1. Apply cold compresses to your eye to reduce inflammation.
  2. Use artificial tear eye drops.
  3. Wash your hands before touching your eyes.
  4. Wash all of your bedding to avoid reinfecting your eyes.
  5. Avoid wearing contact lenses until infection symptoms are gone.

What over-the-counter medicine can I use for a stye?

Use an over-the-counter treatment. Try an ointment (such as Stye), solution (such as Bausch and Lomb Eye Wash), or medicated pads (such as Ocusoft Lid Scrub). Let the stye or chalazion open on its own. Don’t squeeze or open it.

Does polysporin eye drops work for styes?

Try an ointment (such as Polysporin), solution (such as Bausch and Lomb Moisture Eyes), or medicated pads (such as Lid-Care Towelettes). Let the stye or chalazion open on its own. Don’t squeeze or open it. Don’t wear eye makeup or contact lenses until the area has healed.

Does polysporin pink eye work for stye?

Use an over-the-counter treatment. Try an ointment (such as Polysporin), solution (such as Bausch and Lomb Moisture Eyes), or medicated pads (such as Lid-Care Towelettes). Let the stye or chalazion open on its own.

Is a stye contagious like pink eye?

A stye is an eye infection caused by oil or bacteria blocking the oil glands or hair follicles around your eye. It is often characterized by a pimple-like bump on your upper or lower eyelid. Unlike some forms of pink eye, a stye is not contagious.

Does Polysporin eye drops work for styes?

What over the counter medicine can I use for a stye?

Will antibiotic ointment help a stye?

Styes develop from blocked sweat glands or hair follicles around the eye. They usually go away on their own, but you can use home remedies to relieve symptoms. For a more persistent stye, you might need eye drops or a prescription for an antibiotic eye ointment, like those listed above for eye infections.

Can you use eye drops for pink eye for a stye?

Answers (3) Usually, For people with pink eyes, doctors often prescribed them with antibiotics eye drop. No. Eye drops are used to treat pink eye not a stye. although pink eye and a stye are very different infections from each other.

What to do if you have a stye in your eye?

For a more persistent stye, you might need eye drops or a prescription for an antibiotic eye ointment, like those listed above for eye infections. If that doesn’t work, your doctor might suggest oral antibiotics.

Can you use eye ointment on viral pink eye?

In the case of pink eye, for example, antibiotic eye ointments are only used to treat bacterial pink eye. They won’t work on viral pink eye, which is more common. Doctors usually prescribe eye ointments for overnight use.

How to tell if you have pink eye or stye?

Pink eye doesn’t typically cause lumps, pimples, or boils around your eye area. Symptoms of pink eye include: redness on the whites of your eyes or inner eyelid Redness and tearing are common in pink eye (conjunctivitis). Symptoms of an eyelid stye include: External styes are more common than internal styes.