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What muscles are attached to the bone?
Tendons: Tendons connect muscles to bones. Made of fibrous tissue and collagen, tendons are tough but not very stretchy.
What muscle is attached at the end?
And while you’re looking at your face, don’t pass over your tongue — a muscle that’s attached only at one end! Your tongue is actually made of a group of muscles that work together to allow you to talk and help you chew food. Stick out your tongue and wiggle it around to see those muscles at work.
What is a distal attachment?
A muscle has two ends that each attach to bone: the muscle’s origin and the muscle’s insertion. Muscle insertion refers to a muscle’s distal attachment—the end of the muscle furthest away from the torso.
What is the end of the muscle that connects to the bone that moves when the muscle contracts?
The moveable end of the muscle that attaches to the bone being pulled is called the muscle’s insertion, and the end of the muscle attached to a fixed (stabilized) bone is called the origin.
How is tendon attached to bone?
Lying outside the epitenon and contiguous with it is a loose elastic connective tissue layer known as paratenon, which allows the tendon to move against neighbouring tissues. The tendon is attached to the bone by collagenous fibres (Sharpey fibres) that continue into the matrix of the bone.
What does the sternum do?
Your sternum, along with your ribs, works to protect the organs of your torso, such as your heart, lungs, and chest blood vessels. Support. Your sternum also provides a connection point for other parts of your skeletal system, including your collarbone and most of your ribs.
What is proximal attachment?
Muscle origin refers to a muscle’s proximal attachment—the end of the muscle closest to the torso. For example, the bicep muscle’s origin is located at the shoulder.
What is insertion muscle attachment?
A muscle has two ends that each attach to bone: the muscle’s origin and the muscle’s insertion. At both of these points, tendons attach the muscle to bone. Muscle insertion refers to a muscle’s distal attachment—the end of the muscle furthest away from the torso. For example, the bicep insertion occurs at the elbow.
What is the end of the muscle that connects to the bone that moves when the muscle contracts quizlet?
What is the end of the muscle that connects to the bone and moves when the muscle contracts? Insertion. Which type of muscle produces movement in hollow organs, in the walls of blood vessels, and in the eyes?
What are tendons attached to?
tendon, tissue that attaches a muscle to other body parts, usually bones. Tendons are the connective tissues that transmit the mechanical force of muscle contraction to the bones; the tendon is firmly connected to muscle fibres at one end and to components of the bone at its other end.