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What natural wood can gerbils chew on?

What natural wood can gerbils chew on?

In general, nontoxic and untreated wood work well for gerbil chews. You may give your gerbil branches from hardwood trees, so long as you know the trees were not sprayed, painted or chemically treated. Your pet will chew through soft woods in no time.

Can gerbils chew on plastic?

If you are thinking about getting gerbils or already have them, you should know that they chew on everything. Not everything that they decide to chew on will be safe for them though. Plastic being one of them. So if you’re asking can gerbils chew on plastic, then the answer is yes, they will chew anything they can.

What snacks can I give my gerbil?

Vegetable treats include broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, peas, pumpkin, and tomatoes. Other nutritious snacks gerbils enjoy include popcorn, unflavored cereal, cheese, chestnuts, insects, nuts, seeds, eggs, hay, and wholemeal bread.

Can gerbils chew on paper?

Gerbils love to chew. A cardboard tube from a toilet paper roll or paper towel roll is one of a gerbil’s favorite things. When you let them go, they loosen but stay more or less rolled, and your gerbils can have a ball with them. Even a small brown paper lunch bag will provide hiding, play, and shredding possibilities!

What Woods are toxic to gerbils?

Cedar and Pine Wood Shavings Certain types of woods should not be used for gerbil bedding, as they contain toxic chemicals. In particular, steer clear of oily or highly aromatic wood, like cedar and pine. These woods contain compounds called phenols, which have been proven dangerous for small animals.

What is toxic to gerbils?

Fruit (pear, melon, apple, oranges) and vegetables (cucumber, carrot, pumpkin and fennel) can be used to supplement your gerbils ration. Do not give your pets¿ grapes or rhubarb as these are poisonous to rodents. To avoid excessive amounts of certain seeds (e.g. sunflower) as they are fatty and can cause obesity.

Can gerbils chew on pine cones?

Pine cones come from pines but don’t contain the same aromatics as the conifer trees they come from. They are therefore safe for gerbils to chew on. Freeze or bake it before offering it to your gerbil.

Can gerbils eat cheerios?

Plain cheerios are fine for gerbils to eat. They arent likely to make your gerbil fat. Cheerios are part of my gerbils staple diet, and they always eat their cheerios.

Do gerbils eat cardboard?

Gerbils like to chew on wood and other natural materials. Household items like toilet rolls, cardboard egg boxes, and corrugated cardboard are also good options. Gerbil food mix and vegetables are part of your pet’s natural diet, and these will also help wear down your gerbil’s teeth.

Are cereal boxes OK for gerbils?

Gerbils like to chew on wood and other natural materials. Household items like toilet rolls, cardboard egg boxes, and corrugated cardboard are also good options. Anything with print on it, such as newspaper and cereal boxes, is harmful due to the use of ink.

Is cardboard OK for gerbils?

Cardboard has long been used in gerbil cages for numerous purposes and is generally safe for your rodent to chew.

Is it okay for gerbils to eat cardboard?