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What two gifts are given to Odysseus to help him home?

What two gifts are given to Odysseus to help him home?

To extend his hospitality, Aeolus gives Odysseus two parting gifts, a fair west wind blowing the ship towards Ithaca and a great bag holding all the unfavorable, stormy winds, Within sight of home, and while Odysseus is sleeping, the men open the bag, thinking it contains gold and silver.

Who helped Odysseus Circe?

Odysseus got Circe to release his men from the magic spell by force and charm and with the help of the god Hermes.

What gift does Odysseus receive?

Odysseus stabbed Polyphemus in the eye and escaped to his ship with his remaining men on the underbellies of sheep. Thanks to Maron’s gift of wine, Odysseus and (most of) his men were able to escape the island of the cyclopes.

Why does Odysseus sleep with Circe?

Why does Odysseus sleep with Circe? Odysseus refuses unless she meets his conditions: Circe must turn his men whom she earlier transformed into pigs back into humans, and she must promise never to use her magic to harm him. Once they strike a bargain, Odysseus sleeps with Circe.

How does Odysseus handle this gift with his men?

What gift does King Aelous give Odysseus and his men? He gives them parting gifts; a fair west wind and a great bag holding all unfavorable stormy winds. His men open the bag of stormy winds thinking it was gold while Odysseus was sleeping and brought them back to Kings Aelous’s island. …

How did Odysseus become CIRCES lover in the Odyssey?

Odysseus soon becomes Circe’s lover, and he and his men live with her in luxury for a year. When his men finally persuade him to continue the voyage homeward, Odysseus asks Circe for the way back to Ithaca. She replies he must sail to Hades, the realm of the dead, to speak with the spirit of Tiresias,…

Who was the first person to appear in the Odyssey?

The first to appear is that of Elpenor, the crewman who broke his neck falling from Circe’s roof. He begs Odysseus to return to Circe’s island and give his body a proper burial. Odysseus then speaks with the Theban prophet Tiresias, who reveals that Poseidon is punishing the Achaeans for blinding his son Polyphemus.

How did Odysseus find the way back to Ithaca?

When his men finally persuade him to continue the voyage homeward, Odysseus asks Circe for the way back to Ithaca. She replies he must sail to Hades, the realm of the dead, to speak with the spirit of Tiresias, a blind prophet who will tell him how to get home. The next morning, Odysseus rouses his men for the imminent departure.

What did Aeolus give Odysseus as a gift?

Aeolus presents Odysseus with a bag containing all of the winds, and he stirs up a westerly wind to guide Odysseus and his crew home. Within ten days, they are in sight of Ithaca, but Odysseus’s shipmates, who think that Aeolus has secretly given Odysseus a fortune in gold and silver, tear the bag open.