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What was special about the glass at Sunset Towers?

What was special about the glass at Sunset Towers?

What was special about the glass windows at Sunset Towers? She saw a dead man in the bed. What did Turtle see when she went into the Westing house?

Which character has a speech problem in the Westing Game?

We’re not really sure what his physical condition is. Dr. Deere defines it as “pyramidal tract involvement” (5.31), and what that seems to mean for Chris is that he’s in a wheelchair, doesn’t have control over his body, and has trouble speaking.

What was special about JJ Ford in The Westing Game?

Josie-Jo Ford was the first African-American and the first woman elected to a judicial position in Wisconsin. A judge on the state court of appeals, she’s one of the many possible heirs to the estate of Samuel Westing, whose death spurs the mystery at the heart of the novel The Westing Game.

What do the characters in the Westing Game look like?

What they look like: Angela has long golden hair. She is very pretty and has pale blue eyes. How other people see them: People think that Angela is perfect, helpless, and pretty. How they see themselves: Angela feels misunderstood, and does not want to do everything that her mom tells her to do.

Where does the setting of the Westing Game come from?

In Sunset Towers, Shin Hoo’s restaurants, and Sam W. Westing’s mansion. The setting relates to the story because these are the main places where all the characters went. This restaurant in the book is a Chinese restaurant until Grace Wexler takes it over and makes it an athletic restaurants Sunset Tower is the apartment everyone lives in.

Who are the main characters in Sunset Towers?

Angela Wexler has a fiance she is all ways giddy,happy and always is gullible. She lives at Sunset Towers where all of the other people are living. She is a sister to Turtle Wexler, and Jake Wexler is her father and Grace Wexler is her mother .

How old is Turtle Wexler in the Westing Game?

Turtle wexler is a little girl who kicks people in the shins if they touch her braid she was betting 24 $ if she went into the Westing mansion and saw the body she is 12 years old and goes to junior high school she lives with her family in Sunset towers.