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What was the outcome of the Seven Weeks war 5 points?

What was the outcome of the Seven Weeks war 5 points?

Also known as the Seven Weeks’ War. This war was between Austria and Prussia, with Italy helping Prussia. It was over control of the German Confederation. Prussia won, and created the North German Confederation, of which Austria was not a part, and Italy received Venetia.

What were the effects of the Seven Weeks war?

Seven Weeks’ War, also called Austro-Prussian War, (1866), war between Prussia on the one side and Austria, Bavaria, Saxony, Hanover, and certain minor German states on the other. It ended in a Prussian victory, which meant the exclusion of Austria from Germany.

What was the outcome of the Treaty of Prague?

The Treaty of Prague concluded the Seven Weeks’ War with Austria and other German states on August 23, 1866, and cleared the way for a settlement both in Prussia and in the wider affairs of Germany.

What was the outcome of the Seven Weeks war 5 points quizlet?

What was the outcome of the Seven Weeks’ War? Prussia won and reasserted itself as leader of Germany. What two regions were given to France by Cavour in exchange for independence of northern and central Italy? You just studied 10 terms!

What did Germany gain from the Franco-Prussian War?

After its suppression, a harsh peace treaty was implemented: Germany annexed Alsace and half of Lorraine, and France was occupied until a large indemnity was paid. The German empire was established when William I of Prussia was proclaimed German emperor in 1871.

What was the outcome of the Treaty of Prague Why is it considered the most important settlement of the 19th century?

The Treaty of Prague (23 August 1866) ended the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, and saw the Austrians withdraw from German affairs and acknowledge the supremacy of Prussia in northern Germany. Prussia gained some four million citizens, and leadership of a North German Confederation.

Which Treaty led to the unification of Germany?

With the proclamation of Wilhelm as Kaiser, Prussia assumed the leadership of the new empire. The southern states became officially incorporated into a unified Germany at the Treaty of Versailles of 1871 (signed February 26, 1871; later ratified in the Treaty of Frankfurt of May 10, 1871), which formally ended the war.

What was the outcome of the Franco-Prussian War 5 points group of answer choices?

The outcome of the Franco-Prussian War was that France was defeated, and Germany was unified.

What was the result of the Seven Weeks War?

The Austro-Prussian-Italian War of 1866 paved the way for German and Italian unification. The Seven Weeks’ War, the Austro-Prussian war of 1866, was the name given to the war of 1866 between Prussia on the one side, and Austria, Bavaria, Hanover, Saxony and allied German states on the other.

How did Prussia win the Seven Weeks War?

Seven Weeks’ War. By the alliance with Italy, Bismarck contrived to divert part of the Austrian forces to the south. This advantage, together with that of Prussia’s modernized army discipline, resulted in a Prussian victory; the war was formally concluded on August 23 by the Treaty of Prague. The treaty assigned Schleswig-Holstein to Prussia.

What was the Seven Weeks War of 1866?

The Seven Weeks War of 1866, was also known as the Austro-Prussian War, the German War, the Unification War, the German Civil War and the Fraternal War-and when considered as part of the process which brought about the unification of Italy, the Third Independence War.

What did the Austrians do in the Seven Weeks War?

The Austrians responded on 2 March by calling up six cavalry regiments and six gun batteries, then on 6 March by moving ten infantry battalions and thirty cavalry squadrons into Bohemia.