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What was the result of the Kerner Commission?

What was the result of the Kerner Commission?

For causing the riots, it blamed lack of economic opportunity, failed social service programs, police brutality, racism, and the white-oriented media. The 426-page report was a bestseller….Kerner Commission.

Purpose Investigate the causes of a recent outbreak of race riots, with a particular focus on the 1967 Detroit riots.

What was the primary purpose of the Kerner Commission?

After intense mid to late 1960s urban rioting, President Lyndon B. Johnson commissioned The Natonal Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders—generally known as the Kerner Commission—to study the causes of the riots and to propose solutions.

What resulted from the Kerner Commission quizlet?

After 11 months the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public transportation was illegal. This commission, chaired by Otto Kerner, decided that the race riots were due to the formation of two different American cultures: inner-city Blacks and suburban Whites.

How did President Kennedy Apply John Maynard Keynes’s new economics?’?

Kennedy accepted the “new economics” of theorist John Maynard Keynes that advocated deficit spending to stimulate the economy. Deficit spending is the government practice of borrowing money in order to spend more than is received from taxes. At the same time, he increased the tax burden on wealthier citizens.

What Does Kennedy believe is responsible for the undoing of those human rights quizlet?

What does Kennedy believe is responsible for the undoing of those human rights? demonstrate American technological superiority in the space race.

What word has the same meaning as riot or civil disorder?

a concentration of urban African Americans in slum areas. In the map key, what word has the same meaning as “riot” or “civil disorder”? disturbance.

Who was the head of the Kerner Commission?

Headed by Governor Otto Kerner of Illinois, the 11-member commission was appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson in July 1967 to uncover the causes of urban riots and recommend solutions.

When did the Kerner Commission report on the race riots?

Finding the truth behind America’s race riots was a quest undertaken not just by the Kerner Commission: in late 1967 Newsweek produced a large special section reporting on the disturbances and offering possible solutions to racial inequality.

What did the Kerner Commission conclude about poverty?

The Kerner Commission concluded that unemployment and underemployment were the most important causes of poverty, yet African American unemployment has continued to be twice as high as White unemployment during each of the 4 decades since 1968.

What was the finding of the Kerner Report?

The report became an instant bestseller, and over two million Americans bought copies of the 426-page document. Its finding was that the riots resulted from black frustration at the lack of economic opportunity.