Table of Contents
What work did the Pomo tribe do?
The Pomos were hunter-gatherers. Pomo men hunted deer and small game, and depending on the band, sometimes caught fish. Pomo women gathered acorns and ground them into meal, as well as collecting berries, nuts, and other plants.
What was the Pomo known for?
Pomo Indians are world-famous for their baskets. Most of their baskets were produced by women from the tribe, though men made some for hunting and sale. Since Pomo Indians survived on the food they gathered, the great majority of baskets were used for storing seeds and other dried foods.
What did the Pomo tribe believe in?
Traditional Pomo religion involved the Kuksu cult, a set of beliefs and practices involving private ceremonies, esoteric dances and rituals, and impersonations of spirits. There were also ceremonies for such things as ghosts, coyotes, and thunder.
What ceremonies did the Pomo have?
What kind of life did the Pomo Indians have?
This article contains interesting facts, pictures and information about the life of the Pomo Native American Indian Tribe of the California cultural group. Summary and Definition: The Pomo tribe were a California tribe of Native American Indians who were hunter gatherers and fishers.
What did the Pomos wear for everyday life?
The Pomos didn’t wear long headdresses like the Sioux. For dances and ceremonies, Pomo men would wear special headbands made of flicker feathers, like this. The Pomos painted their faces for dances and other special occasions, but not for everyday life.
What kind of terminology does a Pomo family use?
Kinship Terminology. The Pomo groups have elaborate systems of kin terms, distinguishing father’s father from mother’s father, and father’s mother from mother’s mother. Although there are distinct forms for grandchildren, in many families reciprocal terms are used.
What did stone and Kelsey do to the Pomo Indians?
They forced the Pomo Indians to work in very intense and unorthodox conditions, and sexually abused the Pomo women. The Pomo men were forced to work in harsh conditions and were not given any respect by the settlers. Eventually, the Pomo Indians got sick of the disrespect and horrid practices of Stone and Kelsey, so they rebelled.