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When Cassie told Uncle Hammer that Mr Simms pushed her down Why was Big Ma so nervous and frightened while looking at Uncle Hammer?

When Cassie told Uncle Hammer that Mr Simms pushed her down Why was Big Ma so nervous and frightened while looking at Uncle Hammer?

When Cassie told Uncle Hammer that Mr. Simms pushed her down, why was Big Ma so nervous and frightened while looking at Uncle Hammer? She was afraid that Uncle Hammer would be mad at her. Big Ma knew she shouldn’t have made Cassie apologize.

What did Uncle Hammer do in Chapter 6?

It’s clear that since a white family is driving in the other car, Uncle Hammer is supposed to give way, but instead he guns it and speeds over the bridge first. Big Ma points out that the family will think the car belongs to Mr. Granger. Well, until they see him on the other side.

What did Uncle Hammer Do in roll of thunder?

But, Uncle Hammer reins in his impulsive behavior toward the end of the novel. When Mr. Granger is about to foreclose on the Logan land, we expect Uncle Hammer to come up from Chicago and go all 1930s Punisher on him. Instead, he sells his snazzy car to help pay off the bank loan.

Why is Cassie upset with Big Ma?

Cassie is mad at Big Ma Because forced her to say sorry to Lillian Jean and she taught it was not important. Analyze why Uncle Hammer bought a car like Mr. Uncle Hammer bought a the same car as the Mr. Granger so he would see that they are all equal.

Why does Mr Simms act the way he does towards Cassie?

Mr. Simms’s behavior towards Cassie is very rude and disrespectful. He acts that way because he believes that Cassie needs to be more respectful towards white people.

Who is Mr Granger in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry?

At sixty years old, she still works in the fields like a young woman. Harlan Granger is a rich plantation owner who’s eager to get back land from the Logan household, which his ancestors had sold years ago to Big Ma and her husband.

How does Big Ma react to Uncle Hammer?

Uncle Hammer reacts very strongly to racism because he feels that he’s sacrificed too much for his country fighting in World War II for him or his family to be treated like second-class citizens. Big Ma doesn’t take the same approach Uncle Hammer does, but she defies racism in her own way, by refusing to let Harlan Granger have the land.

What does Uncle Hammer give Stacey for Christmas?

Before the family heads out for church, Uncle Hammer notices the sad state of Stacey’s coat, and he decides to give Stacey his Christmas present early. It turns out to be a new wool coat. It’s a little big, but Mama says Stacey will grow into it.

Why does Mama send Stacey to find Mr Morrison?

Mama sends Stacey to find Mr. Morrison. Just as Uncle Hammer starts the car, Mr. Morrison jumps into the passenger side, and they drive off. Uncle Hammer reacts very strongly to racism because he feels that he’s sacrificed too much for his country fighting in World War II for him or his family to be treated like second-class citizens.

Where does Uncle Hammer take the family after church?

After church, Uncle Hammer takes the family for a long ride in his car, driving to Strawberry and back. He pauses by the Wallace store and says he’d like to burn it down, but Big Ma and Mama hush him and tell him there are other ways to get back at the Wallaces. The Logans come across a narrow bridge on their ride back.