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When did James Cook Discover Tahiti?

When did James Cook Discover Tahiti?

Samuel Wallis on the ship Dolphin ‘discovered’ Tahiti in 1767. He recommended the island for the Transit of Venus observations and Cook arrived here in April 1769. Cook, like Wallis two years before him, anchored his ship in the shelter of Matavai Bay on the western side of the island.

What was the purpose for Captain Cook’s voyage into the North Pacific Ocean?

Principally, the purpose of the voyage was an attempt to discover the famed Northwest Passage between the Atlantic and the Pacific around the top of North America. Cook’s orders from the Admiralty were driven by a 1745 Act which, when extended in 1775, promised a £20,000 prize for whoever discovered the passage.

How did James Cook get to Tahiti?

The expedition sailed aboard HMS Endeavour, departing England on 26 August 1768. Cook and his crew rounded Cape Horn and continued westward across the Pacific, arriving at Tahiti on 13 April 1769, where the observations of the transit were made.

What was the name of Cook’s ship used to explore the oceans?

Capt Cook set sail on Endeavour – a British-built coal ship – in 1768 on a scientific voyage to map the Pacific Ocean. It was the ship in which the explorer charted New Zealand and Australia between 1769 and 1771.

What did Cook discover?

British navigator James Cook charted New Zealand and Australia’s Great Barrier Reef on his ship HMB Endeavour and later disproved the existence of the fabled southern continent Terra Australis.

What did Captain Cook do?

James Cook was a British naval captain, navigator, and explorer who sailed the seaways and coasts of Canada and conducted three expeditions to the Pacific Ocean (1768–71, 1772–75, and 1776–79), ranging from the Antarctic ice fields to the Bering Strait and from the coasts of North America to Australia and New Zealand.

Where did Cook land in Tahiti?

The Māori language was from the same group as that spoken in Tahiti and, during the Endeavour’s visit, Tupaia was able to act as interpreter and intermediary. The first landing took place at Tūranganui-a-Kiwa, which Cook later called Poverty Bay, on 9 October 1769.

Where was Cook killed?

Kealakekua Bay, Hawaii, United States
James Cook/Place of death