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When you use the palpation method to obtain a blood pressure the measurement you obtain is the quizlet?

When you use the palpation method to obtain a blood pressure the measurement you obtain is the quizlet?

When you use the palpation method to obtain a blood pressure, the measurement you obtain is the: systolic blood pressure. A 50-year-old male is found unconscious in his car.

What part of the patient assessment process focuses on obtaining additional information about the patients chief complaint?

FOCUSED HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAM – MEDICAL During this phase of the patient assessment, the mnemonic OPQRST and SAMPLE will be used to gather information about the chief complaint and history of the present illness.

What are the five steps of patient assessment?

Terms in this set (23)

  • General Impression.
  • Level of Consciousness.
  • Open Airway [A]
  • Check Breathing [B]
  • Check Pulse [C] *check skin.
  • Check Major Bleeding.

When you shine a light into one pupil The normal?

When you shine a light into one pupil, the normal reaction of the other pupil should be to: become smaller. The MOST effective way to determine whether your patient’s problem is medical or traumatic in origin is to: perform a careful and thorough assessment.

When can you use palpation to obtain blood pressure?

Palpatory method:

  1. Empty air from the cuff and apply the cuff firmly around the patient’s arm.
  2. Feel the radial pulse.
  3. Inflate the cuff until the radial pulse disappears.
  4. Inflate 30-40 mm over and release slowly until the pulse returns.
  5. Diastolic blood pressure cannot be obtained by this method.

When do you use a focused assessment?

A focused assessment is also usually done on stable patients. For example, you will find this type of assessment done more often in a controlled setting (inpatient and outpatient generally). This is used when a patient presents a specific complaint or issue.

What is patient assessment?

As well as physical health condition, Patient Assessment helps determine cognitive function, concentration levels, and evaluates patient’s emotional health. Patient Assessment also gathers crucial information for nurses to be prepared for and develop action plans should the patient be faced with a medical emergency.

How do you perform a patient assessment?

WHEN YOU PERFORM a physical assessment, you’ll use four techniques: inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Use them in sequence—unless you’re performing an abdominal assessment. Palpation and percussion can alter bowel sounds, so you’d inspect, auscultate, percuss, then palpate an abdomen.

What are the steps for patient assessment?

5 steps to a more accurate patient assessment

  1. Avoid taking a pulse oximetry reading at face value.
  2. Check your thermometer’s temperature.
  3. Remember pain scale is subjective.
  4. Take serial readings.
  5. Read the manual.
  6. Case resolution.

Which of the following is the most reliable indicator of adequately performed?

Which of the following id the most reliable indicator of adequately performed bag-valve mask ventilations in an apneic adult with a pulse: adequate rise of the chest when squeezing the bag, twenty, breaths/min being delivered to the adult, consistently increasing heart rate, decreased compliance when squeezing the bag.

When approaching a 32 year old male who is complaining of?

when approaching a 32-year-old male who is complaining of traumatic neck pain, you should: ensure that the patient can see you approaching him. A 39-year-old male sustained a stab wound to the groin during an altercation at a bar. As you approach the patient, you note that he is conscious.