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Where is Eevee in Goldenrod City?
Talk to Bill to get an Eevee. When you talk to Bill in Ecruteak City, he will go home to Goldenrod City, where you’ll have to find him again. He’ll give you an Eevee he can’t look after.
Can you get more than one Eevee in Heartgold?
Part 1 Part 1 of 8:Getting 7 Eevees Talk to Bill to get an Eevee. When you talk to Bill in Ecruteak City, he will go home to Goldenrod City, where you’ll have to find him again. He’ll give you an Eevee he can’t look after. You can only get one Eevee this way.
How do you get Whitney’s badge?
When Whitney is defeated, she throws a temper tantrum and cries while failing to award the player the Plain Badge. When the player attempts to leave, Lass Bridget will tell the player that this always happens; after drying her eyes and blowing her nose, Whitney will get over her loss and give the player the Badge.
Is the Eevee bill gives you always male?
2 Answers. Yes, yes you can. Since all female Eevees are rare to find, you’d have to get lucky or soft restart right before you talk to him.
Is Umbreon good in game?
While Umbreon is a better Pokemon competitively (by a narrow margin, but still), ingame teams need a fast and strong attacker to quickly finish battles, a field Espeon excels in, whereas Umbreon is quite lackluster.
Can you keep Kenya the Spearow?
Due to this, a player may keep Kenya for the duration of the game or deliver it after evolving it into Fearow and still receive the TM. Unlike most Pokémon given by NPCs, Kenya has Webster’s ID and OT, possibly because the player was meant to give the Spearow to Webster’s friend.
Where can I find Heracross in Heartgold?
You can find Heracross in trees on Routes 7, 11, 28, 33, 42, 44, 45, 46 and 47 as well as in Azalea Town, Vermillion City, Celadon City, and the lower outdoor portions of Mt. Silver.
How do you fight Witney?
Whitney’s Miltank is level 20, so you’ll want to level it up high enough to stand a chance against the Miltank. Use its Low Kick and Karate Chop attacks against the Miltank. Given that those attacks are Fighting-type attacks, they’ll be super effective. It’ll also be resistant to Miltank’s Rollout (a Rock-type attack).
Can you get a female Eevee from bill Heartgold?
How do you hatch a female Eevee sword?
How to Breed Pokemon Basics
- Choose one male and one female Pokemon.
- Make sure they like each other.
- Leave them at a Pokemon Nursery either on Route 5 or Bridge Field in the Wild Area.
- Eventually, they will produce an egg, which you can pick up from outside the Nursery.
- Keep the Egg in your party until it hatches.