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Where is the thermostat located in the body?

Where is the thermostat located in the body?

In a human, a tiny part of the brain called the hypothalamus, located behind the eyes, serves as the thermostat. It can warm the body by causing it to shiver and cool the body by causing it to perspire. The hypothalamus also regulates hunger, thirst, sex drive and other body activities.

Where is the thermostat located on 2005 Kia Sedona?

How to Find It. On all models, follow the lower radiator hose from the radiator to the engine. The lower hose enters a semi-dome shaped housing that is attached to the engine by three bolts. This is the thermostat housing, and the thermostat is inside.

Where is the thermostat located at on a Kia Sedona?

The thermostat on the early Kia Sedona with the 3.5-liter engine is located toward the passenger’s side of the engine, near the front. On the 2011 design and the 3.8-liter models, it is located toward the driver’s side of the engine near the front.

Why is the temperature wrong on my car?

As you can imagine, the temperature of a road surface in the middle of a hot summer day is not a true representation of the air temperature. But the heat generated is real, and it’s this “extra” heat that is picked up by a car’s thermistor, artificially inflating the reading you see on your dashboard.

When to change the thermostat on a Kia?

Test the new thermostat operation by starting the engine and allowing it to warm up with the radiator cap removed. As the engine approaches normal operating temperature, the thermostat should open and coolant flow should be visible in the radiator. Replace the radiator cap as soon as the coolant flow is visible.

Where is the coolant drain plug on a Kia Rio?

The Kia Rio’s coolant drain plug is located on the bottom side of the radiator. Some year models may require you to remove a plastic engine brush guard from below. These guards can be removed with a socket wrench.

Where is the air intake on a Kia Sedona?

On the Kia Sedona, it’s the large, gray composite piece that sits right in the top center of the motor. Use the appropriate screwdriver (such as a Phillips) to remove the six screws that hold the cover. Take off the air intake. There are two Phillips head screws that hold the air intake in place.