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Where is tobacco found naturally?

Where is tobacco found naturally?

Wild tobacco is native to the southwestern United States, Mexico, and parts of South America. Its botanical name is Nicotiana rustica.

What type of land does tobacco grow in?

Air-cured, dark tobacco is grown on silty loam to clay loam soils, while fire-cured and air-cured, light tobacco is mostly grown on medium textured soils.

Do all tobacco plants produce seeds?

Tobacco plants actually bear fruit. The fruits have two seeds and the entire piece of fruit measures about two millimeters in length. When it comes to this plant, the leaves are what is important. These blades can grow up to 20 inches long and up to 10 inches wide.

How many seeds does a tobacco plant produce?

THOUSANDS OF SEEDS One flower has about 3000 seeds. Depending on the variety, you can count between 10,000 and 20,000 seeds per gram, around half a million per ounce. Tobacco cannot be planted directly in the field.

Is tobacco plant a vegetable?

The Latin name for Tobacco is Nicotiana tabacum. Many are surprised to learn that botanically tobacco it is in the Solanaceae family, which means it is related to the potato and tomato family. Tobacco plants actually bear fruit. …

Where is tobacco grown in the US?

The leading tobacco producing states in the U.S. include North Carolina, Kentucky and Virginia. North Carolina lies in the Virginia-Carolina tobacco belt and topped the list in 2016 with a tobacco production over 331 million pounds.

Where does tobacco grow in the US?

Is tobacco a fruit or a vegetable?

Can I grow tobacco?

Most of today’s tobacco is grown and processed commercially, but it’s easy to grow tobacco in your own home or garden. While it does take time for it to finish curing, you can have homegrown tobacco that saves you money in the long run.

Can a tobacco plant grow in any state?

Tobacco seeds have the ability to germinate and grow in just about any state. If you have the ability to grow a vegetable garden, then you have the ability to grow a tobacco plant. Tobacco seeds are surprisingly durable and will do well in any area!

How long does it take for tobacco seedlings to germinate?

DO NOT cover the seeds with soil, because they need the light to germinate. Seeds will usually begin to germinate within 7-10 days, but some varieties can take up to 2 weeks. Keep the soil moist and water from the bottom, as to not uproot the fragile seedlings.

Where does the flavor of Turkish tobacco come from?

Originating in the Samsun region of Turkey, along the Black Sea, this tobacco is renowned for its unique rich flavor. This plant has smaller leaves than other strains, but a very distinctive aroma. An excellent Turkish blend or unique by itself.

Where do you get tobacco wrapper leaves from?

Originating in the Samsun region of Turkey, along the Black Sea, this tobacco is renowned for its unique rich flavor. This plant has smaller leaves than other strains, but a very distinctive aroma. An excellent Turkish blend or unique by itself. The Connecticut Valley is a major source of some of the world’s finest wrapper leaves.